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Everything posted by Epic

  1. --> QUOTE(mark.b @ Sep 8 2006, 07:44 PM) link i personaly think this is a poor post as you have not read every post on here and there are a lot of us who dont just like northern soul, i feel insulted by your assumptions. if you bothered to check all the forums you would find a lot of us are open minded to the music we love, of course there are some who are a closed book to anything other than northern, but there are people like this in every walk of life. mark The topic heading is a question - for people to answer. I don't profess to know what any one else likes - hence the question.
  2. Just to move on - Certain records are always knocked on this site by some people- ie Voices of East Harlem, Carstairs, Larry Houston, Mel Britt etc. Is this because people view them as records that don't fit into their concept of what should be played at a Northern event? Or do they genuinely think they are just bad records?
  3. Neither would I Sorry Ged - couldn't resist
  4. Traditional on the fours, sixties records - you know the ones - usually on compilation cds called "This Is Northern Soul"
  5. Not at all - you have hit on the point of this thread - If The Jam "floats your boat" then that is fine - or are The Jam acceptable only because of that "pseudo Northern" sound they created in some of their records.
  6. After reading & joining in with many topics on this site have come to the conclusion that in the main people only like & listen to Northern Soul . It seems that anything that doesn't have a northern "bent" is heavily criticised & dismissed. Do people only listen with a "Northern" ear? Personally I listen to a tune & then decide if I like it or not - the fact that it may not be acceptable at an All-Niter at 4:30 am does not enter into my equation. No doubt I will be accused of having a "Souliier than thou" attitude (again) but dates & labels mean nothing to me - it's what comes out of those grooves that count. Is it Northern or nothing?
  7. Darrell Banks - "Our Love Is In The Pocket" Intro that instantly grabs you. Mr Banks's vocal is superb. Brilliant chorus - even a bit to clap yur hands to. Fantastic break What more could you want?
  8. Thinking of selling my mint copy of this. What is the going rate? Thanks
  9. Loved Gwen Owens from the first time I heard it - proper northern soul. Mystified why it wasn't in The Northern Soul Top 500 as published by Mr. Roberts. Think he must have asked the wrong people.
  10. Yes I DO like all eras of music The date of its recording is irrelevant to me - good music is good music full stop. As for being "soulier than thou" - this forum is all about giving opinions - whether you agree with them or not is your worry. BTW tripe & hike don't rhyme - not even in a bad disco record.
  11. Hold my hands up time chaps. It has finally dawned upon me - every soul record made before December 31st 1969 is utterly brilliant. Anything after that is disco cr*p. Must be in a minority though as the biggest floorfiller in the last 2-3 years has been "Are You Ready For This" - The Brothers. Now when was that recorded? Those naughty people up The Highland Room in the mid seventies have got a lot to answer for.
  12. My better half & I have an understanding. I don't talk about record labels if she don't talk about designer labels.
  13. Northern Soul - Matt Le Tissier - Brilliant but probably should have moved on. Crossover Soul - Dennis Bergkamp - Classy but with just that bit of edge when needed. Modern Soul - Ossie Ardilles - Quality but sometimes not easy to understand.
  14. Northern Soul - Lager Crossover - Fine Wine Modern Soul - Champagne
  15. Wouldn't like to hazard a guess at Sam's age but I believe he had a copy of "Burning Bush" when it was merely smouldering.
  16. Simmer down chaps - one mans "awesome" is another mans "awful". I quite like it but hey ho it's only a tune & it's not gonna stop the world trying to blow each other up or bring my energy bills down.
  17. "I Can't Make It Anymore" - Spyder Turner Blinding 'B' side too.
  18. No real comment to make - thought it would be nice to keep the Wolves avatar thingy going.
  19. One of the highlights of Blackpool Mecca - it certainly raised a few eyebrows when first played. Really split the crowd into love it - hate it territory. Awesome disco music at it's best.
  20. Great memories - Dancing to Ronnie Mcneir- Maurice Williams-Bobby Lester & then a New York shuffle to Miroslav Vituos-Aquarian Dream-Willie J & Co. MAGIC!!!!! Perfect All Dayers IMHO never been bettered.
  21. But you never danced to CA-THE-DRA-LS in them.
  22. That's as maybe - but all have filled dancefloors in their time.
  23. P.S its not 'modern' its disco

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