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Posts posted by Epic

  1. .....it's not there now! Another legendary slip up by me then..................that one off test pressing 'gangster boy' thingy that Jordi plays came out of there a few years ago too :P:P



    What's up - my pound is as good as anybody elses - just need somebody else to give you the other 64. :lol::lol:

  2. It's by Esko Affair on Mercury. Great slice of pop/soul produced by the legendary philly disco man Vince Montana.

    Steve Plumb had one in his "quid" box at Yarmouth earlier this year.

    One on Ebay at the moment for 15 quid.

  3. Any collector who is feeling "off colour" this weekend send me all your vinyl at a vastly reduced price. Your next of kin will then avoid death duties & inheritance tax.

    This offer is open to all - free of charge.

    "Epic- The Philanthropist" :thumbsup::yes:

  4. No copies on Ebay. :yes: Matey had better crack on considering the number of copies it's rumoured he has. Or he'll be a little old man with copies to spare! :)

    He could end up............................."Lonely......................... truly lonely" :lol::thumbsup:

  5. Personal opinion about collecting rare records is if you want it & can afford it - buy it. The only person you have to please with your purchase is yourself. Just 'coz somebody may purchase the same record at a lesser price it should not diminish your love of the said tune.

    Sam Dees - great record if not a tad played out.

    Oxford Nights - rare yes - same class as Sam Dees - not even close.

  6. Why not? Most of the records i was listening to when i was 16 were twenty odd years old. Most of the young crowd in the early 80s were born in the 60s i image and the music we listened to then was not in the charts, on radio 1, or on the TV, it was decades old. Why assume that young people today only listen to music that came out last week or a few months ago. I think it's pretty condescending towards them to suggest they can't enjoy music from 40 years ago.

    Just my two penneth worth... :ohmy:

    Seems my two penneth has upset some people - please point out to me anywhere in this thread I have been condescending towards any young person. I was 16 when I first went to a major Northern Soul gig (Mike knows the one :lol: ). Please tell me of any gig happening now where a LARGE number of under 20s attend.

  7. Nobody actually wants to know about it, that's probably why :)

    Mike perhaps we should close every topic after the first reply - that would make for interesting reading wouln't it?

    Genuinely I never intended to attack or insult anybody personally & it is unfair for you to suggest it.

    I have given an opinion - sorry if I may have offended anybody.

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