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Everything posted by Epic

  1. Anyone know the price Grover Mitchell - "What Hurts" went for on Ovenchips auction?
  2. He had to use the word house - don't think "modern uptempo soul music" would have quite fit in!!!!!!
  3. Most prophetic lyrics must be - Jesse James - If You Want A Love Affair "I'll be the daddy - you'll be the wife We'll play HOUSE for the rest of our life"
  4. Think Chapter 5 - "You Can't Mean" It leaves a lot to be desired in the lyrics department........ "Look before you leap & count your blessings instead of sheep" They don't make 'em like that anymore
  5. Marboo & Brief Encounter are completely different records - only the titles are the same.
  6. If anybody wants my copy of Deja Vu make me an offer.
  7. Only "Give It Up" I know is by Heywood Cash on Epic. It is the other side of "You're Messing Up A Good Thig - old Dickie Searling spin. Think it's from about 1977 & on a 12" as well
  8. Sadly that has been the case for many a long year. When people are tipping tunes by Tom Jones, Cilla Black etc there has to be something wrong. To be honest it is no better than when Tony Blackburn, Derek & Ray etc. were played - How far has the Northern "Soul" (sic) scene progressed really?
  9. Marvellous - A true modern soul dance anthem !!!!!!!!!!
  10. Only 52 weekends in a year - take out 6-8 weekenders - leaves you with approximately 45 weekends to go at. Blackburn & Prestwich in the North - which are always well attended - take out another twelve - how many are we down to now? Too many gigs - not enough attendees.
  11. Things that make me cringe? People who constantly post on forums IN CAPITAL LETTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Yes - those Detroit greats did a fine job - it is a pity you can't polish a turd though.
  13. With tunes like that around no wonder there is always unrest in the Middle East - Nabay is one of the worst atrocities inflicted on the western world. IMHO of course.
  14. Let's all agree that NYD & Funk is crap - & pop music from Israel is wonderful - glad that is sorted then.
  15. Not many replies to the actual title of the thread - once again it has descended into an oldies v newies battle. Has this topic not been done to death already? Don't go to many Northern venues these days so if anyone wants to tell me what "post sixties" records are being played feel free.
  16. Only problem I have with DJs pay is when the amount of paying guests dictates the pay you recieve. To me the cost of a night should be calculated on the following:- Cost of venue hire Cost of promotion Cost of Security Staff (if required) Cost of DJs. That is the total "kitty" - the promoter should have this in hand before one person pays any admission price. Have seen quite a few gigs where the promoter is nervously pacing around the entrance hoping 20 more people would arrive so he could afford to pay the DJs without going in to his own pocket. Does he get a reduction in room hire? - NO Do the "bouncers" get a reduction in their fee? - NO Does he ask the DJs to take a smaller fee? Invariably YES. The quick answer to promoters is DO YOUR SUMS.
  17. Used to love hearing this in the 70s & 80s when the thicko mobile jock would play it at wedding receptions - don't think he actually listened to the words. Closely followed by "Young Hearts Run Free" - can just see the tears of the brides mother rolling down her cheeks.
  18. Are you saying if a soul record is remixed badly - it ceases to be a soul record?
  19. "Dreaming A Dream" - Crown Heights Affair THE ultimate disco record - nothing before or after comes close. IMHO of course
  20. Cheers Brett - Mr Feliciano will always remind me of you & I first meeting each other at Morecambe - now be a good chap & send me an mp3 of that wonderful Frankie Nieves track.
  21. The epitome of quality sixties soul - utterly utterly wonderful. What's not to like?
  22. Picked it up in the seventies for nothing - all my mates have it as well - never going to be big - it's quirkiness is it's charm - like this a lot.
  23. Thanks mate - it was worth a try

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