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Everything posted by Epic

  1. Came out in 1969 First (& best) record on Turbo - No. 0001
  2. Try here - https://www.wfmu.org/Playlists/Monica/2000playlist.html
  3. Got a couple of Cds of his infamous radio show Love the jingle he uses when the girls sing "Do it Frankie do it"
  4. Who wouldn't be into a "That's a boot - somebody's been playing that for years - what's the matrix number? - it's too modern - you can't play that here - is it original? - the label looks dodgy to me - can I measure the runout groove? - it's a bit poppy, but good dancer - can you play Frank Wilson?" scene What's not to like? PS The music's good.
  5. If you played K-Jee in any room people would dance to it !
  6. Seem to think it was covered up as "Get Your Wig On" by The Bosanquet Band.
  7. Saw a Youtube clip - it may have been on here - about a year or eighteen months ago with Levi & The Tops on stage with Aretha Franklin - he was in a wheelchair. Sad but moving in equal measure.
  8. IMHO the greatest soul voice of all time - even when stacked up against Womack, Gaye, Ruffin, Mayfield, Vandross & Jackie Wilson , Levi Stubbs is "The Governor"
  9. Epic


    Somebody buy the Barbara Jean English - Absolutely wonderful!!
  10. Bill Withers - Lovely Day - right at the end seems to hold the note forever!!!
  11. I was just stating what happened when the record was first played - in fact I have never been hugely keen on it & have never "bulled it up"
  12. Was at The Mecca the first night it was played - it was the most talked about tune that evening - seven days later it was The Highland Room's biggest record.
  13. Love the two Sharon Scott tracks on the RCA CDs Kent put out. Puttin' My Heart Under Lock & Key & I'm Not Afraid
  14. Looked at the playlists on events lookback & get the impression it was another Northern oldies night. To single out Paul Metcalfe for playing Spiral Starecase & Johnny Moore (which also got played by someone else) is a tad harsh. Would the people who criticised care to list what they wanted to hear instead of telling us vaguely what they didn't. Better still how about getting yourselves behind a pair of 1210s & showing us how it should be done.
  15. Click here for the version mentioned https://www.ubiquityrecords.com/ur156.html
  16. Remember buying it back in the day for about 30p - me & me mates have always liked it - choonage of the highest order!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. By that do you mean they don't play the 50 or so records that you want to hear. One man's meat etc. etc.
  18. You have had a bad experience of a night - haven't we all over the years? It's all about opinions - there may have been people in the gig who were loving every minute that you were hating. I presume you were aware of the DJs for the night - surely the roster should tell you what sort of evening you are going to get. If I attend a night & it doesn't meet my expectations I simply don't attend again & if asked my opinion on the said event will tell people why it was disappointing. To verbally attack the promoters/DJs is rather harsh IMO - it would be more dignified to vote with your feet at their next gig. That message is quickly taken in by promoters of any event.
  19. "Love Love Love" - Bobby Hebb It was my late mums favourite soul record - used to hear her singing along in the kitchen when as a teenager I used to play it at home.
  20. Do You Love Me Just A Little - Supremes & Four Tops
  21. Thank The Lord For Love - Living Color Shy Guy - Johnny Baker Money Can't - Turn Of The Century Don't Wait Up For Me Mama - Barbara & Brenda Time Passes By - James Bynum I Quit You Win - Jimmy Lewis
  22. Always amuses me when Ian's name is brought to the fore once more. Love him or loathe him he certainly causes a stir one way and another. There's only one thing worse than being talked about - that's NOT being talked about. Think Mr L will be having a liittle chuckle to himself about all this.

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