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Everything posted by Epic

  1. Epic

    Len Barry

    Interesting opinions on this. Agree with Pete about Dean Courtney & Bobby Hebb - they are just perfect soul records - 2 of the best records ever played on the northern scene. The Len Barry version has a "cool - laidback" feel in the vocals - can imagine him just stood in the studio with an open neck shirt on & just going for it as if he was singing in a nightclub. Like it.
  2. There are plenty of soul nights in & around the Blackpool area already with prices ranging from - FREE - £3.00 - £6.00 admission. I don't think any of them are full to the rafters - & to be honest "live acts" are not everyones cup of tea.
  3. Boo On You - Chuck Jones Do What You Can Do - Spaceark Smokestream - Brothers Sisters & Cousins
  4. Epic


    Just been re-issued. https://www.juno.co.uk/products/293471-01.htm
  5. Tighten Up - Archie Bell Girl I Love You - Shelley Fisher I Got A Feeling - Barbara Randolph Foolish Girl - Soul Sam C/U
  6. My Conscience - The Lovelites Happy Without You - Ann Byers Permanent Vacation - Marion Sodd Lighten Up Baby - Ty Karim (The more modern version) When I'm Gone - Brenda Holloway Ordinary Joe - Terry Callier
  7. Always puzzled me why people have to make such grand announcements when leaving the forum. If & when I decide to go I will do just that - no fuss & certainly no announcement. Had quite a few people on here who have said things "I'll never post again" - Don't want to be a part of this anymore" etc. etc. Then after a couple of weeks the old "Frank Sinatra" syndrome kicks in - "Hey guys I'm back" Then these people have a grand reunion & welcoming back thread - "Oh how we've missed you" Just does not sit well with me people.
  8. Good on ya for trying something different - not the usual same old,same old. I know practically all the tunes in your list & most hit the spot for me - & ALL of them are better than the truly awful Benny Troy.
  9. Sorry I always thought the guidance on any thread is usually taken by one of the early postings - usually find that post 1 is the best place to start.
  10. I give up too . Just what part of your thread says "Legitimate US reissue labels" Write what you mean FFS
  11. Old Mecca spin for Colin C - Interesting version of Quick Change Artist on the flip
  12. Betty Boo - Say It Isn't So September Jones - Give Me All Of Your Love Little Ann - Who Are You Trying To Fool/ When He's Not Around John Edwards - Tin Man Dottie Pearson - Bring It Over Baby
  13. I am really liking The Lollipops "Sweet Sweet Love"
  14. Sticky Danceflloors????????????? Gives a whole new meaning to the words "Come Dancing"
  15. Prefer to listen to good PIR meself
  16. Never thought such a comment could give us nearly five pages of debate............... I invite Moldie to sum up the whole topic - in his own witty,well informed & forthright manner.
  17. Never Never Girl - Rocky Mizell - Choooooooooooooooon!!!!
  18. The Alfie Davison tune is actually done by Grace Kennedy - just think "Seaside Special" cabaret singer & you'll get the picture. Love to hear Julian Clary doing "Cool Off"
  19. May concede on Millie Jackson - but Nine Times is disco - thumping bass line with plenty going on in the hi-hats & yes it was HUGE in New York. The Brothers - out & out Disco (yes Pete I know you didn't mention it) - produced by Warren Schatz - the king of New York Disco - Vicki Sue Robinson etc.
  20. If you actually read what I have put you may understand. You stated that all disco records are crud - I listed a group of record I consider disco tunes & that are acceptable on the Northern scene. I did not pass an opinion on the records I listed - if you really want to know - some I like - some I don't. However IMHO they are disco records. The clue is most are available on a 12inch single sometimes known as "disco 12s" It was just to make the point that people who make sweeping statements that "disco is crud" really need to back it up with a reasoned argument. There is non so blind as he who doesn't see !!
  21. Very similar scenario at clubs up & down the country - including Northern gigs. Lew Kirton, Benny Troy, The Brothers, Bill Harris, Brainstorm, Tavares, Moments, Gentlemen & Their Lady,Millie Jackson etc etc. All the above are disco records - all been very popular in Northern circles at one time or another. Is it just that they are "acceptable" crud ?
  22. A beautifully crafted & in depth answer - care to expand on your already well reasoned posting.
  23. Strangely enough they used to be called Chubby & The Turnpikes - The Tavares that is. Which I assume are acceptable to discuss on Soul Source.

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