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Everything posted by Epic

  1. Agreed - worth every penny spent on SWONS just to see the awesome Mel Britt.
  2. Think we should rejoice that in the last 30 years a lot of our heroes have graced these shores - The Motown heavyweights- Womack - James Brown - Isaac Hayes - Vandross - Dells - a lot of the Philly stars etc etc. The chances of seeing these people again lessen as each year passes - I am just glad that I have had the opportunity to see some of them.
  3. Thanks Ian - now give Tommy Hunt the reasons you didn't play it back in the day - I am sure he will understand.
  4. A very weak answer Ian - your RESPECT for the artist should have overcome your feud with Russ if you genuinely liked the record you should have played it & not some playground tit for tat over Barbara Pennington stopping you from doing so. BTW Ian as I have side earlier - which you chose to ignore - I have supported you many times over the years when I think you are right - it does not mean I am a sycophant that agrees with everything you or anyone else on here has to say.
  5. Don't remember you giving much creedence or support to his original version of "Loving On The Losing Side" back in 1975 - quite the opposite in fact.
  6. If disagreeing with you or anybody else on this forum is seen as a lack of respect then I can do nothing about that - the whole cut & thrust of this - other forums - in fact life itself is nothing without debate & opinions - it's what seperates us from the beasts of the fields. I have stood your corner on many occasions - going as far back as the mid seventies with the whole Mecca/Wigan thing - to say I don't respect you Ian to say the least is harsh. Difference of opinion does not equal lack of respect.
  7. Problem is Ian that everybody on here is a critic - you included - & you have to accept that we don't all like the same things - music included - it's part of what makes us what we are. Let's be honest if Motown were to bring a DVD of 200 performances could anybody say that they would enjoy every performance & song on it - of course not & the same goes for your DVD Ian. There are tunes on your DVD that I didn't like in their original form - you re-recording them is not going to change my opinion of them. I have not been on this thread very much after our disagreement about, should we say, your "recording techniques" - but have looked on it with interest. It has at times become a blatant sales pitch for your DVD - the likes of Kent, Golmine, Expansions, Hayley etc have never been afforded such a luxury & I feel the moderators have been more than lenient over some of your comments Ian. As I have said before the SWONS has a lot of merit to it - I just feel that perhaps a tad more humility on here Ian wouldn't go amiss - you might even get a few more people on your side.
  8. David Morales presents the Face "Needin' U"
  9. Bobby Womack thinks it's alright & most of Oscar Pery's albums have a C&W air about them - sorry Dave it sounds like I am defending it - you are right it is shite.
  10. Oscar Perry - "I Got What You Need" & "Mainstring" - those two tunes remind me of The Highland Room more than any others - plus of course the wonderful, wonderful Mel Britt.
  11. Mirwood - so much good stuff on that label. & 2 majors - Capitol & RCA
  12. .....two weeks later .........................Pete Smith will fill in the blanks
  13. Just to muddy the waters even further - if a record is only on a demo it can not possibly have had a legal issue - it is for demonstation purposes only & not for re-sale - ergo never had a legal issue - "oh bugger I've just opened that can of worms Mr.P.
  14. Is a demo classed as an issue ? If you get my meaning !!
  15. Earlier in the thread I mentioned Frank Wilson - does it or does it not qualify?
  16. What assumption are we supposed to make from that remark - better? worse? - don't think the records played are better than 1974 - be so kind as to list 20 "top tunes" being played on todays scene. I will in turn list 20 records from 1974 to compare. No contest is it ?
  17. This has to be in there!!!
  18. This also applies to Baby Hit & Run - The Contours.
  19. There is 2 versions of Tell Me It's Just A Rumour Baby - The MFP Album version is longer than the single which was released due to its popularity on the northern scene.
  20. Can we include the Kent Anniversary 7's - San Francisco TKO's etc? What about Frank Wilson? Oops - just read postings on Kent singles.
  21. This may interest one or two people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgj_g_qQG50
  22. The Javells appeared there I think - not sure whether it was early Saturday or The All Nighter - anybody confirm ?

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