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Posts posted by Epic

  1. surly if its US original vinyl its imperial

    UK pre '71 will also be imperial, post '71 it will be metric

    alan wink.gif


    Not forgetting of course the torque settings for the needle weight on their prized 45s - is it in inch pounds or newton metres ? or is it just bollox to that if it jumps just blu-tack a 2p coin to the pick up arm. :P

  2. Hi everyone biggrin.gif just to let you all know , that I DONT CARE :D i go out to have fun , and 9 times out of ten i cant remember who was dj'in let alone what they played and what on laugh.gif just thought i'd tell ya , now anyone want a cuppa ??

    Going out to have fun? Is that allowed? Do the "Soul Police" know that people like you exist ? Think you may have got away with it just this once - I believe the Vinyl Constabulary are all attending a seminar this weekend discussing whether the measuring of run-out grooves should be metric or imperial !! :lol:

  3. The post I made about the use of the word 'Revival' against 'Re-union' was wholeheartedley meant in the way I stated it.

    I understand that my usual view-point can be open to interpretation but in this case I did in no way intend it to be a slight toward the only bloke on her that 'gets' where I am coming from - and I pmed him to say so.

    Revival smacks of money, Re-union sounds right to me - end of.

    Have I mis-read the responses?

    As I would never diss anyone in the manner I feel that it may be read that I have, surely you can see that?


    I am in no way getting stressed over this - okay?

    Last year in Blackpool there was an event called "Blackpool Mecca Revival Reunion" - how does that sit within your formula for the promotion of events?

  4. and I'm not sure what yours is...

    1- I'm helping Malc with OUR reunion night as I like the idea of having a great night out.

    2- some who enjoy these types of night also have enough about them to enjoy the otherside of the the scene, it was only a few months ago I was resident at one of the East Midlands upfront 60's soul venues ie DKOF, I even have records that are still covered up after 30 years and still have many records that would fetch over £1000 woo fucking dooey it don't matter as most of my favourites are 10 quiders

    3- Not wanting to be conterversial however 90% of what you hear at these so called upfront soul venues are actually oldies. the fact that they are shit rare imo aee irrelevant.

    4- I get bored shitless lisetening to the same old same old however the Torch Reunion is something special an event where most that are attending don't give a shit about what will be played, there is a unique bond between the patrons who attended the Torch that those that never went will NEVER understand, to see a full house dancing to 60's soul, enjoying themselves that ultimatley will benefit tow great charitys is about as good as it gets.

    Think one or two of the attendees would possibly disagree with that statement.

  5. all records i buy/collect are recorded to CD nowadays, so i can play them in the car, work, or were ever.

    i'm with epic on this, original vinyl only for the northern scene.

    always as been (in alot of places anyway :lol: ), always should be wink.gif

    although, i've noticed a lot of (not all, but i'm no expert**) new modern soul comes on CD only

    so maybe, it should be original format only, for the future unsure.gif


    ** maybe it comes on 12" in vinyl form

    These days on the more modern side of things tunes are sometimes only ever available as a download & never make it commercially on to cd or vinyl.

  6. Barry The vinyl versus CD - MP3 - Memory Stick - Download - Laptop - Wax Cylinder has been done to death on Soul Surce & here are the conclusions - there are two answers :-

    1) OVO Only.

    2) Don't care what it is played on.

    Here endeth the debate. laugh.gif

  7. Some good replies there, cheers.

    Picking up on Malcs use of the word 'Re-union' over 'Revival'.

    The word 'Revival' smacks of money-making to me, whilst the 'Re-union' is a very adult term that tells me the promoter is doing it for the right reasons.

    I love you Malc.

    Re-union says to me that people who actually went to The Torch in circa 1972 will be attending.

    Fair play to Malcolm his ticket sales have gone well - realistically you are giving the people what they want - another "oldies" night.

    If he had promoted a rare, underplayed, crossover, modern soul night I think the tickets might not have sold so well.

    The scene basically lives & breathes "oldies" because that is its life blood - it is no surprise really that promoters wanting to do something "different" fail because people only want to attend venues where the tried & trusted tunes are played.

    Doesn't matter whether you use the words revival, re-union, oldies, night etc. an old record still sounds the same.

    Barry - if you play The Fuller Brothers at a "re-union" does it sound any different than if you play it at a "revival" 'cos I don't really understand your point.

  8. Andy - Any Idea whats the difference between the Blue label ones and the Green & Yellow Copies

    I have a Blue one of the Brothers & sisters but have another record on that label that is Yellow Green

    My old copy of Brothers & Sisters is yellow with green writing (as below) & "Instrumental#1" is on the blue label.



    There is a copy of of Brothers & Sisters on Manship & that is on the blue label.

  9. Thanks, but the last two are listed - I've clean forgotten the label for Brother's and Sisters though. Was this played mid-1975-ish, 1976? It's another one I haven't heard in donkey's years!

    It's on Nickel - Richard played it at Wigan a few times as well. Another record around about that time on the same label is "Instrumental # 1"

  10. I hope that this doesn't come across as a negative post, that's a weak opening if I'm honest, but Kenny seems to be of the Shane Richie mould, he'd sing at the opening of an envelope - does that sound harsh?

    He does tend to over-sing a song if that makes sense!?

    I've mulled the KB question over and over.

    The question being: Kenny earns his money through song, like so many of our heroes over the years but how many songs have been sung for anything other than keeping himself up there and in work?

    Now I understand that this quandry could be applied to Mary Wells, Martha Reeves, Luther Ingram, Wilson Pickett et al, just about any singer (dj, promoter) really.

    But I do feel that Kenny's falsetto delivery, although quaintly soulful and relevant, has become in my mind slightly diminished simply by the amount of product that he has released.

    Don't get me wrong here, Kenny Bobien will forever have done more for black music than I could ever dream of doing - but - it does make me question what is true soul music, soul music that is sung from the heart and what is being sung simply to earn money.

    I would like to profer an explanation that kind of center's around anyone's early input (be that on any level, promoting, dj-ing, singing, whatever), that early input seems to be more from the heart and less job-like than their (anyones) later input.

    That later input, when you are more savvy to the industry (recognised say) must be surely aimed at keeping your head above water moreso than proving your worth as you once had to.

    Which asks the question:

    "Does recognition remove you from the things that initially made you want to prove your worth to your peers?"


    Thanks for the "Gettysburg Address" but I feel at times mate you don't half complicate things.

    Kenny Bobien has a new tune out - I posted it up for people to be aware of it - they either like it or they don't - it really is as simple as that

    Take it by your negative sounding post that you are not a fan of it.

    Like you I have many Kenny Bobien tunes - 90% of which I would not recommend on here because of their mainly out & out house/gospel content. I feel this tune has a sort of retro feel that may appeal to certain people on here.

    If more people become aware of, like & buy music by Kenny Bobien then that is all good isn't it ?

  11. Same here every Thursday, load up at work than to a phone box before going to first job. smile.gif

    In those days where I lived the postman arrived before I went to work - used to number the tunes in order in which I wanted them - my mum would then do the phoning for me whilst I went to work - she would often talk to a Scottish chap (Mr Anderson I believe) who would usually say to her "Och - that's gone" - we were all after the same records each week.

    Around about '76 it became a great place to get new release jazz/funk & soul albums on demo for about 2 quid - happy days!!

  12. Welvcome Ray - two pieces of work you were invoved with which I have enjoyed over the years.

    The Street People album on Vigor - as good an example of a 70s disco soul group you will ever find - brilliant album which I have recommended to many many people & a 12 inch single which you yourself sang - "Stepping Out" on Polydor from 1978 - quality disco tune.

  13. Barbara and Brenda - Don't Wait Up For Me Mama. Was this a Mecca thing ?

    Yes it was

    It's All In The Back Of Me Now - Linda Perry

    You Take My Love For Granted - Hodges James & Smith

    Sex Trip - Crown Heights Affair

    Has Love Been Here Before - Fabulous Determinations

    I'll Always Need You - Len Barry

    Strange Book - Gorgeous George

    I Don't Know - Bobby Womack

    That's How Much I Love You - Art Wheeler

    It's Not Like You - Lydia Marcelle

    Happy Without You - Ann Byers

    Whatever Happened To The Love We Knew - Jimmy James & The Vagabonds

  14. Anybody mentioned

    Admirations - Heaven Is In Your Arms

    Dushons - You'd Better Think It Over

    Ruby Andrews - I've Got A Bone To Pick With You

    Sandy Hadley - Since I Found A Love

    Don Renaldo - Fiddlin' Around

    Apologies if they have.

  15. Again, what then is Northern Soul?

    If it is to be judged, as it should be, by what is played - and danced to - within the sphere of a designated All Nighter, then the term NS should be allocated to an ever moving take on the music taken on board by the dancefloor, as deemed by the lads (DJ's) that follow the ever changing sound that the dancers have required.

    The punter has always deemed what has been played.

    The lads that take the mantle of DJ, simply refelect the present state by their playlists of what is required by the punter.

    Certain sounds and styles will always take prescedent - on the flip certsin styles will always take a back-seat.

    Music, like fashion, is cyclical.

    The majority will eventually look for a progression.

    'Progression' is a dodgy word to use, as it may read in a manner that could be read as 'newer sounds', which I don't mean it to - we all have a hankering to learn, to be played different sounds - to progress.

    I'm tying myself up here, so I'll stop before I sound any more ridiculous.

    The bottom line is, the lads that have carried the mantle of 'DJ' over the years have done little more than accomodate the majority of the dancefloor - putting your neck on the line week in, week out is bound to bring negative responses.

    They simply kept their eye on the scene's ball for the dancefloors sake, for your sake, for Northern's sake if you will.

    Name me a bloke that has djed on this scene that has done more harm than good?

    There isn't one.

    Let's not forget that in all the time they were there Colin & Ians playlists were evolving every week - they didn't fall back on "oldies" which have realistically been the backbone of the scene since about 1977.

  16. It was an historic venue, but not an historic "Northern Soul" venue.

    Just my opinion. (and I suspect that of many others too). :thumbsup:

    Think you should aim that statement at Richard Searling, Kev Roberts, Russ Winstanley, Ginger Taylor etc. - I strongly suspect they would disagree with you!!

    Take it you haven't looked that closely at Ian Dewhirst's list of Mecca tunes - is their not enough "Northern" in there for you to see the venue deserving its place as one of the top clubs ever.

    It is no coincidence IMO that between 75 & 78 the standard of Northern tunes played at other venues dropped dramatically once The Mecca influence was no longer there.

    Benny Troy was not a Mecca record - it was a tune you could pick up for 30p back then. I know it has risen in value since then , but to me it is still a 30p record - both in quality & value.

  17. Here you go, a classic Mecca playlist top 10..

    1. Funk Track

    2. Disco Track

    3. Modern Track

    4. Funk Track

    5. Disco Track

    6. Modern Track

    7. Disco Track

    8. Modern Track

    9. Disco Track

    10. Northern Track (The Carstairs) Doh! on the other hand!


    This must be a top ten post 1975 - because they did play one or two "Northern Soul" records up the Highland Room from 1971 - 1975. :shades:

  18. a few more ,not my particular faves,always remember Notts Palais rocking to these :thumbup: ....

    Long gone- Debbie Fleming

    What a difference etc- Esther Phillips.

    One LP track......Vernon Burch - Aint gonna tell nobody thumbsup.gif

    Vernon Burch - "Frame Of Mind" - Cracking tune & a big Les Cokell fave - still sounds great today.

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