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Everything posted by Epic

  1. Used to fill the floor at The Orwell & similar such events !!!
  2. Same song - same singer - both brilliant - One Nothern & One Crossover.
  3. Big at Bank Hall Miners Club - Burnley around about '83.
  4. Jack Ashford/Mike Terry & of course Lorraine Chandler - they all wrote many "classic" tunes.
  5. Jackie Day - "Naughty Boy" - Nought out of ten more like !!!
  6. Mello Souls - "We Can Make It" - A dreadful tuneless noise !!!
  7. Excellent Pete - I have been playing this in the car for the last few days - really good - thanks mate.
  8. Hi Lorraine. Great that you are on here & it is a pleasure to be able to talk to you. The fantastic "You Only Live Twice" which you recorded how close was it to be coming the theme to the Bond movie of the same title ? Also the tune "After You Give Your All" on Prodigal we all assumed the lead vocals were by you - what is the story with that as the lead singers sounds so much like you.
  9. Does the most popular one become the new theme tune to Dr Who ?
  10. You mean like Edwin Starr & Smokey Robinson.
  11. Never been played at OVO venues then ?
  12. Why do some people find it acceptable to play a carver but would not play a track off a Kent CD of previously unissued material. Is it just a format thing ?
  13. IMHO that is where the argument falls down carvers are the same as bootlegs !!!!
  14. If it wasn't for downloads there would not be a "modern" scene (in it's true sense ie current releases) - many many tunes never see the light of day on vinyl or cd - fortunately OVO is not a consideration on this scene but original downloads - now you're talking !
  15. Not to be confused with Pete Mckenna - Hypnotist
  16. So nearly 3 pages on this & here is the conclusion that we always come to............................. No..............................but if .....................................that's ok !!!! Glad we are all agreed on that then !!!! Just as an aside - Original, boot, reissue, emidisc, carver, CD, minidisc, USB stick, Traktor or laptop - what is the effect on your "dancing experience" when any of these mediums are played ?
  17. .............................it's a "step up" from Tony Blackburn !!!!!
  18. Re Eurovisuin Entries "Keep On Walking By" by Midnight which has had a few spins in recent years is the 'b' side to "Don't Bother To Knock" which was an entry in the UK heats of The Eurovision Song Contest entry in 1978.

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