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Steve Edgar

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Everything posted by Steve Edgar

  1. We'll be tuned in and looking forward to the banter again Ian av ya got a wrist slasher for me today? steve n tina
  2. ..and indeed didn't Bob Dylan call Smokey "America's greatest living poet" high praise indeed! and IMO well justified! steve
  3. perhaps My Favorite Smokey tune too! Smokey wrote it for his wife Claudette. She was in hospital having given birth to twin girls who sadly died at birth. Claudette was blaming herself, feeling she'd let Smokey down. He went home and unable to sleep that night, went to his piano, and composed this. Knowing that, makes the lyrics in this tune so poignant to me. steve
  4. dave! "You Little Trustmaker" was indeed penned by Chris Jackson! as was the much better "Someway Somehow I'm Keeping You"! they was both produced by Billy Jackson thu! steve
  5. Hmmm lyrics like like that sound like the story of my life! seriously! think it flip ov "I Wanna make Up" on volt, sure i got it on volt, guess stax was the uk issue? steve
  6. Gareth! wot was that Chinese proverb bout opening ya flies??? Sorry Beeks, but what ya said just sounds like a load of twaddle! did Little Rachel know ya was gonna carve it and call it Ruby Wotsits!, Really does credit to the music ya love that! And I'd like to think that if anyone heard this played out, they would think of the Artist! not the bloke behind the decks!!! Jeeze! steve
  7. That Willie West is Awesome! had to rush off to Timmion's site right away for one of these! and well done to Timmion for excellent packaging of this 45, great little pic sleeve, with great liner notes! been a long wait for something new from Willie! hope it aint another 30 years till his next! steve
  8. Might just be me, but i find it a bit off that the bloke who started the "cover-up" thread bout this new release CD was gonna do "carvers" and trade or sell em!!! can understand it a bit if it was some un-issued thing that no one knew who owned? but surely if he rates this track so much then give the bleedin lass some credit! esp. as she's currently in the music industry, and has just issued it, and would gain from it's exposure!... or am just not with it? steve
  9. well yeah dave, it is just kinda red instead of white, but with it being red instead of white, well the vivid is kinda not so vivid, so guess that makes it less boring! steve
  10. co-wrote by Chuck Barksdale too! both sides! steve
  11. I'd agree boba, only got it on White Vivid, used to think it was a demo, but it don't say so. are the red ones vinyl and monarch pressed too? Sue! it's such a great double sider, don't sell either! that way ya can play the arse off one of them and still keep a good copy! steve
  12. think it just down to scanner settings when copying, (the first looked too yellow to me) Amazed at the prices, still a 40 quid record to me! steve
  13. Essential listening! "Bob The Crate" always delivers an outstanding set in his shows steve
  14. Nev as i said before, the original is "bell sound stamped" if ya check the label on the one you have you'll see its got a "ztsp" number. Is there a "ztsp" number scratched in to the run out groove? I've had a styrene copy a long time, and a dealer in the US i know had listed "Youre Hangin' Me Up" as a bootleg. I didn't know it had been booted. It was him who told me it was done for the other side "False Pride" for the Island scene. he sent me a copy as he had a load ov 'em just so I could compare 'em. They got a great looking label on 'em! identical to the original Veep demo's, mind Nev, if I remember right, I'm sure the label was molded over not a paper stuck on one? As I said, it's got a ztsp number on the label, but the boot I got sent didn't have it in the run out groove. hth Nev steve ps. just wanna add the seller that had these and the Jones Brothers did state they were re-issues! He's a top seller on E-Bay steve
  15. Nev, If it aint bell sound stamped styrene, then it is. them vinyl ones look real good! think they was done for the "Island" scene, if ya look you'll see in run out groove on "False Pride" it's scratched as the A side, as it was this side that the Island scene was into. I think it's the same with Jones Bros on Seel?? I noticed the seller had Johnny Dunn and Jones Bros a while back, and is selling a lot of Jamaican stuff at the mo! here's hopin ya gonna tell me it's styrene now! steve
  16. Cracking doublesider just to say if ya searching, that its "Elanthony" all one word on the 45. Sure I posted it in the Crossover thread. steve
  17. Rare Earth wern't that bad! white rock yes, but Gordy gave them their own label! they were also the Sunliners on Golden World .... "All Alone" steve
  18. Stylers "Pushing Up Daisies" on Gordy.... has to be the worst!!! one of those teen death tunes bout some bloke racing his car and topping himself... and er!... he ends up "Pushing Up Daisies" Could post a file ov it but I'd have to top mesel if i did! Only bought it to fill a missing Gordy number.. honest! steve
  19. hi Boba, just played the refosoul 20th Cent. version on here and it mirrors my Mercury cut, would love to hear the earlyer sounding cut if you got it around as I'm not aware of that one thanx steve
  20. Got re-issued in the 70's on 20th Cent. and for some reason they re-titled the artists as "Candy and The Sweets"??, I know Sean Robbins was hamering that cut a lot. a year or two back steve
  21. It's certainly on the flip of "Countdown here I come" on Canterbury. steve
  22. Are all the copies on Candlelite beat up??? gave up trying to find a minter on this label as every one I came across the label always looked poor with lots of ringwear, picked it up on Lakeside in the end. steve
  23. ..and flip over "Pillow Talk" for "My Thing" a Sylvia Robinson penned class crossover tune. also cut by The Moments, but Sylvia's version is the one imho steve
  24. Yeah! just missed out mesell on that one Ste. VG+ but I've had some great items off that seller. must admit when I seen Ian C sayin he'd just sold a copy to Sam I thort steve
  25. cheers! I take it ya talking bout the "Call Me" side Carl. steve

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