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Everything posted by chrissie

  1. I noticed a few this afternoon while I was "shopping" and reported them, but will go back report some more. QoFxx
  2. Have pm'd you Chico Cxx
  3. Hi Looking forward to my Monday night fix. Have PM'd you a couple of shouts if you could be so kind QoFxx
  4. Are we out to play tonight? Have pm'd u QoFxx
  5. May be a little late.........or not at all , listening to a 3 hour Woodstock tribute on "Manchester radio on line" presented by an ex boyfriend ............. had an hour of it by now, so no choice really be with you so be in about 5 mins Do I get a prize for getting shouts on 2 different radio shows in one night QoFxx
  6. Jamas on, vodka poured.................now get on with it QoFxx PS how do i get this to play this through iplayer rather than windows media as itkeeps breaking up
  7. Sad news indeed, a great loss. QoFxx
  8. I think the word boloxed is probably more accurate QoFxx
  9. While I spent my birthday in one of the local pubs at a "soul night" and was caught on camera dancing to the "dreaded reptile" ........and yes before you say anything I was pissed Have a shout for you will PM in the morning when I do my mail out QoFxx
  10. OK, so what'z occuring tomorrow night, are we getting an extra hour QoFxx
  11. Very sad news, her music along with motown was probably one of my biggest influences when I was growing up in the 60s. A sad loss. QoFxx
  12. ..............are we there yet Dad QoFxx
  13. This is some bloody train journey, its been going since October last year and still not a station in sight. Catch ya later QoFxx
  14. ...........................quite like that one QoFxx
  15. When you have finished reading through the thread linked below, listened to every track mentioned come back and lets see if your opinion has changed Personally I cant decide, depends what day of the week it is. Just know I love Dusty, Jackie Ross, Fontella Bass, Maxine Brown and loads more, but don't like Areatha Franklin or Diana Ross QoFxx
  16. Thank goodness for that, I wont have to stay up past my bed time . Have PMd you. Cxx
  17. chrissie


    I don't agree,if advertised as a soul night free or not free it should be OVO. The difference being the one I did on Saturday wasn't a soul night it was 60s/70s across the board soul and pop but the point I was trying to make was it didn't feel like DJing using CDs, but for free beer all night and a few quid in my back pocket I will try my hardest to get used to it C xx
  18. chrissie


    I DJ'd a pub disco on Saturday night as a favour for someone, had to play off CD for 2 reasons, no decks and I wouldn't of had enough cross section of music to do this off vinyl. I must say it was a very weird experience and not sure if it even felt like DJing, even though a good 50% of it was from my own vinyl collection that I put to CD, but when it comes to do with anything to do with soul nights, in whatever form, its OVO...........................and can we please put this subject to bed for at least another year. Anyway who needs CDs, just load everything onto a USB stick plug and play and you can go and stand outside all night chatting and having a smoke....simples Thanks Cxx
  19. Its a great service and easy to use. I used it 4-5 times a few years ago when I was claiming money back from banks/credit card companies for excessive charges. QoFxx
  20. I'm with you on this one Jayne. Found it very moving, OK a little cringe worthy in some places, i.e. the black american answer to Ian Paisley, I didn't think Stevie Wonder was particularly good but that could be put down to the emotion of the moment and like you found the Heal The World moment a bit OTT. I put my hands up and admit it was definitely a box of tissue event for me. I think a death of someone within our own age group, and I was eactly the same age to the day as MJ, is always un nerving and brings home how precious any life is. QoFxx
  21. Will always be "In Orbit" for me. QoFxx
  22. Simples, only go to clubs that play OVO QoFxx

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