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Everything posted by chrissie

  1. Paid more for my Darlettes a while ago. Still a top sound and worth more IMHO Is the credit crunch finally hitting the soul scene QoFxx
  2. but that's the beauty of freebasing it doesn't have to be on topic, mind you, these days I spend very little time in there as things are far too exciting out here in the real world QoFxx
  3. Yes but we have to close the threads at 1000 and re-open a new one QoFxx
  4. Pete, as I said to Ian in my earlier reply, I do not want to ruin the fun, I am housebound with a broken ankle at the moment and the thread is at least saving me from the hell that is daytime TV but as Ian keeps quoting what the rules are................... QoFxx
  5. I don't want to ruin peoples enjoyment, i am enjoying the banter as well but rules are rules QoFxx
  6. But you can't have one rule for one and another for the rest of us, that just wouldn't be fair would it Ian You just start another thread called part II quite simple really. But lets just see what the mods have to say, as its you they may just let it ride. QoFxx
  7. Just a question to mods...............I thought threads had to be closed when they reached 1000 posts. I do remember this rule being intorduced with the old Stoke, SS DARTS, threads and the SS LAAS. QoFxx
  8. Darlettes demo is deffo low, great record and a bargain at that price. QoFxx
  9. ahhhhhh, don't ignore James, you will ruin my evenings reading QoFxx
  10. Thought you were going to bed about 3 hours ago Look what you've done now, theres JT been out souling all night and you are keeping him from his slumbers, he needs his beauty sleep you know QoFxx
  11. Nobody can stop you making the music you want (god knows enough have tried and failed ) but it's your attitude that your opinion is the right one and that you completely dismiss anyone who disagrees with you that gets up peoples noses. QoFxx
  12. Well that makes it all clear .......but he is being quite funny, for once QoFxx
  13. You should try the SS LAAS (Soul Source Ladies Art Appreciation Society) thread we had months of semi naked male pinups until we had to tame it down QoFxx
  14. So in fact Dave Godin thought the soul scene oooooooop north was "so good he named it twice" and he coined not one but two phrases QoFxx
  15. No, he is just a mischeviously naughty misguided youngun..................ah what a wag that 12 yr old JT is QoFxx
  16. Forgive me for being a little pedantic on this matter but surely the first article would of been when the phrase was "coined" so to speak and the second time just a re-issue ... .....unless I mis-understand the meaning of the term "coined the phrase" as per my on line dictionary coin (INVENT) verb [T] to invent a new word or expression, or to use one in a particular way for the first time: Allen Ginsberg coined the term "flower power". QoFxx
  17. Ahhhhhhhhhhh Mrs Butlers eldest, is he still DJing on Radio Merseyside sorry but I just couldn't resist Taxi for chrissie QoFxx
  18. Just shows I am paying attention QoFxx
  19. ......errrrrrrrrrrrrr, how can you coin a phrase twice i.e. 1970 and again in 1971 QoFxx
  20. My god James hun, at this rate I may even end up liking you QoFxx
  21. There are only two rules on this thread James sweetie, that is that you can only post if you are going to say nice things to massage his Levinesses ego and you must NOT ask him questions that may in any way make it awkward for him to answer openly and honestly QoFxx
  22. Me to, makes the spine tingle for all the wrong reasons, but those of us of a certain age may find this version even more disturbing Scared me and I am a Tory QoFxx
  23. Ian, shhhhhhhhhhhhh, I am busy playing on line poker and you keep interupting me Just folded a pair of queens cos I wasn't concentrating QoFxx

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