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Neal Bull

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Everything posted by Neal Bull

  1. Placed order 4th Jan had enough so canceled got refund , placed order on 7 Jan heard nothing sent emails still nothing not good at all
  2. It's hard work I know , but has to get rid of stock I suppose
  3. No one answering emails , it's very frustrating Neal
  4. Looking for a nice copy of just too many people on RSO pm with details thanks neal
  5. Looking for a original , promo, or issue not the reissue of I'll get buy, it ain't no secret please message with details thanks Neal
  6. Looking for the fist issue on uk epic pm with details neal
  7. Lokking for a German white promo release of I love music pm with details Neal
  8. Looking for a 7 of take a ride USA original pm with details neal
  9. Looking for a 7inc copy of take a ride on USA Ariola it's only a cheapie pm with details thanks Neal
  10. Hi it's not for me it's for a friend I'll let him know Neal
  11. Looking for a nice copy of can't except the fact pm with details cheers Neal
  12. Ok thanks
  13. Lokking for a copy of everybody stand clap your hands seen the copies on Discogs pm with details Neal
  14. Ok no worries
  15. Looking for a issue , or demo. On prelude pm with details neal
  16. Hi Karl ones you on the brothers by choice neal
  17. Looking for a friend , a copy of thrive pm with details cheers neal
  18. Hi I would like the record but I think postage is a bit steep
  19. Looking for the 45, or 12 on calla USA original pm with details cheers neal
  20. Looking for a nice original on mgm with the track be my love pm with details thanks Neal
  21. Looking for a USA virtue copy of my baby’s been missing pm with details thanks neal
  22. Looking for the chess issue why are you so hard to forget pm with details cheers Neal
  23. Looking for a copy of wacha been doin, on dou label pm with details thanks neal
  24. Looking for a USA copy of my man is on his way allplatinum 7inch pm with details neal

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