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Everything posted by Middleman

  1. You still got a copy of William Bell "Easy comin out"? Cheers Steve
  2. You still got a copy of William Bell "Easy comin out"? Cheers Steve
  3. Not sure if anyone will think this is worth responding to but...... Is this worth much? Marv Johnson - Ain't gonna be that way - London - hlt 9165 and.... Marvn gaye/Tammi terell - keep on lovin me honey - pic sleeve - german tamla tm 54173 Cheers !
  4. Buying mate, always buying. Trying to get my record collection back ! Some hope Cheers mid
  5. Thanks Mark - Appreciate that, I was beginning to lose hope! ATB Mid
  6. Hi, Getting no joy from "Look at you box" so thought I'd try here Jimmy James - This heart of mine - Piccadilly 35331 (1966) demo What would be a reasonable price to pay for this? Thanks? Mid
  7. Hi, Probably common knowledge but.... Would anyone be able to tell me what is a fair price for the following: Jimmy James - This heart of mine - Piccadilly 35331 (1966) demo Sam Cooke - You send me - London 35331 (1957) Thanks !
  8. Hi, hope you don't mind...... I just bought (from a record shop): The Valentinos - "Two Lovers History" Promo copy on Jubilee 12893. Didn't know it before I bought but B side better than A. (IMO) I paid £2, could it be worth more? I buy to listen not sell but was just curious. Cheers Regards Middy
  9. Sleep well my friends, sleep well. In my extended midlife crisis I'm trying to get some of the records I had in my youth. Bit hard to find (or expensive) this one. Midd
  10. You the man !! Cheers for your previous replies Middy
  11. O'Jays my a*** ! No wonder nobody got it, sorry bout that. I suddenly remebered it had the word "Grazing" in it. I do know but in case any of the people who replied now knows it, feel free to show off. Cheers Mid
  12. I really appreciate all of the replies but it isn't anyone of them. I think I'll "withdraw" my post and quietly slink away now as I'm beginnnig to make a tit out of myself and its getting embarrassing. Again thanks, if it comes to me I'll post it up (exciting eh?) Chorus - "duh duh duh duh dut der, der... dud a dud a dut der" As I said, embarrassing ! Ignore me and I promise not to post ever again.
  13. Thats the problem, I cannot remember the lyrics. No worries, like you say I'm probably on to a loser. Maybe in a moment of extreme lucidity the words'll pop into my head. Cheers
  14. Thanks for reply but it ain't that mate, i just listened to it on youtube, good tune though. Cheers Middy
  15. I've got this tune in my head. I think it is an O'Jays song but I've only got the chorus melody. It was back in the day maybe around the time of "Looky Looky" and "I dig your act" Chorus was a bit quick and repeated a couple of times Its drivng me crazy Maybe a long shot and sorry to post such trivia but.............can anyone help? PS, If its not by the O'Jays (as I believe it is) I realise I'm screwed. Cheers Middy
  16. Mainly listened to and followed by white working class kids from up north. True? Why??
  17. Never really a bad one although memory is a bit vague these days. One that sticks out is Edwin Starr at the Casino, I have no idea when this was though ! Remember taping it and annoying everybody on the train out of Wigan in the morning. Cheers Steve
  18. Happy and hazy. Who are you ? Cheers Steve
  19. You've been keeping tabs on me then?! Little Ady Clarke eh?, he used to think he was such a great dancer. If I manage to come up this summer I'll contact you through this website and we'll get all nostalgic, although you may have to jog my memory a bit. Cheers and take care of yourself. Steve
  20. Hi Spot, you were right, it is me, Steve (Middy). Its been awhile, I haven't forgotten any of you (and the times we had), it must be an age thing but recently I've been listening to a bit of Northeren and it must have brought back memories, hence my posts on this website. I'm still down here although I moved out of London to a more rural Surrey some 10 years ago and have been down here for almost 30 years ! I have a lovely daughter of 10 and a step son a bit older, still work in the same field (I'm a Music Copyright Manager) and am just about to work in Stockholm 2 days a week (don't ask). I very rarely get up north but intend to come up sometime in the summer, when I do hopefully we can have a little reunion. Say hello to Gary and Gail !! Take Care Steve
  21. My old mate spot, spent many an hour at his house opening up parcels of records from the states. I'll try to find him on this website Cheers S
  22. OK mate, no worries, thanks for the reply. There was a bunch of us used to go to Wigan, st ives and cleethorpes. Slighty later than 67, mid to late 70's really. Regards S
  23. Not that anybodies really interested but what am I talking about ! Mel and Tim?? It was Sam and Dave. Memories, or lack of them. Cheers S
  24. Still have memories of Leeds All Dayer, I think Mel and Tim were on the bill as well. Huge great hall anyway. It could be me though, my memory is useless.
  25. Anyone go to a Leeds All dayer (central hall??) - all I remember is Junior Walker playing - tell me more?

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