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Everything posted by Middleman

  1. Hi, this has no doubt been done before so usual apologies but................. Has anyone any recommendations for any (fairly) comtemporary artists/albums? Whos out there currently making decent soul music? Cheers ATB Steve
  2. Nice one, looks a great comp, definately gonna get one. Wonder if it'll be in MP3 format?
  3. Hi I bought an O'jays record of this seller 04/01, was taking awhile so I emailed, got message re hospital and stroke, said no worries, was taking a little while again so I asked if all was OK, got message back from girlfriend (?) saying trying to act on behalf... Anyway to get to the point I did recieve record a little after that. Maybe just maybe you have to contact twice?.......... Good luck Cheers Steve
  4. I would've bought it as well mate, whos the artist?
  5. The one I have is the bottom one but with the EMI Regal and Star Line logos on it. Cheers Steve
  6. Yes mate, just had a look at it (not the original one), its says EMI Regal top left and Star Line top right. Cheers Steve
  7. The Isley Brothers, the one with the three of them in orange suits and the one on the left has the campest pose ever, and 3 + 3. The Detroit Spinners, the one with "one of a kind", "could it be I'm falling in love" on it Lets Get It On Ohio Players, Skin Tight and Fire Bob Marley, Rastaman Vibration O'jays, Backstabbers The Persuaders
  8. Sorry, absolutely nothing to contribute but a very good question as the northern "style" of dancing must have evolved from somewhere.
  9. Thank you for the replies so far, plenty to go on with, cheers. ATB Mid
  10. Cheers Steve L, I'll do it now!
  11. Oh yeah of course, didn't think of that, cheers.
  12. Hi First thing, (and I've held off asking as I suspect everybody on this forum knows and its gonna seem like I'm a right div), but who is NSOULCHRIS on youtube? He's certainly got a lot of great records. Secondly, I've seen a few good ones (which again I suspect everyone knows) but I was wondering if anybody had an opinion on what good youtube channels there are, music that is. Cheers Middy
  13. Blimey, he/shes in for a bumper Christmas, member on here I wonder?
  14. 1 "I'm playing all the right notes, but not necessarily in the right order" 2 "Music is the space between the notes"
  15. Great little film, odd place and clientele though, slightly worrying. In the info for the programme it said it was the last remaining record shop open in the country, didn't understand this as I know of a few in London and the south east. Did the shop only sell vinyl, is that it?
  16. OK thanks both, of course it is, its just that JM's site has the band named STAIRcase. ATB S
  17. Please excuse my ignorance, I recently bought a copy of "More Today Than Yesterday" on Columbia 4-44741. I always thought it was Spiral Staircase (again, excuse my lack of knowledge), this ones spelt STAREcase? Can anyone be bothered to enlighten me? Cheers S
  18. "Oldies"............................ Marvin Gaye - Little Darlin Dobie Gray - Out On The Floor Isley Brothers - This Old Heart Of Mine Barbara Randolph - I Got A Feeling Barbara Mills - Queen Of Fools Kim Weston - Helpless Hoagy Lands - The Next In Line Fascinations - Girls Are Out To Get You Darrell Banks - Open The Door To Your Heart Robert Knight - Love On A Mountain Top
  19. Hi A friend assures me that a friend of his has a Diana Ross album (Last time i saw him) which plays one side of Marvin Gayes Trouble Man on side 1 Anyone heard of this before? I promised I'd ask on here, please don't castigate me if the whole things a load of tosh (it sort of is anyway) Cheers Steve
  20. "Come on train" was used in an advert fairly recently, seem to remember it had some bloke skating around.
  21. Nice one Lee Sad this but thats probably the most interesting 10 mins I'm gonna have today. Wonder how much its changed over the years S
  22. Hi Another PM for ya, ta.
  23. Post did say in your hand, not just got so, not very hip/rare/indemand or whatever but.... Spinners 1972 LP Bought it when released and still play it (as I do the Ohio Players 1st LP) Wonder if anybody still plays/guys LP's anymore?

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