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Everything posted by Middleman

  1. Hi, This is the first time I’ve attempted to sell any 45’s on here but will ensure quick response to any PM’s (work permitting) and will put the record in a well secured mailer and dispatch promptly. Payment via PayPal. No offers please, I was advised (here) on prices and I’ll believe they are fair. Please add £1.50 for postage and please ask if you require recorded delivery at £2.50 PM me if interested, thanks. Etta James, Seven Day Fool, Argo, M-, £40 Soul Brothers Six, I'll Be Loving You/ Some Kind Of Wonderful, Atlantic 2406, Ex, £40 Little Anthony and the Imperials, Better Use Your head - VEEP (yellow octagonal) M- £30 - SOLD Dobie Gray, Out On The Floor, Charger (stamped original), Ex+, £25 - Sold Spyder Turner, I Can’t Make It Anymore, MGM, M- DH, £12 Johnny Nash, You Never Know, MGM (yellow not for sale), M-, £20 Masqueraders, I Ain’t Gonna Stop, AGP, M-, £20 Mill Evans, I've Got To Have Your Love, Constellation Records Inc (Straight Logo), M- (tiny bit of ring wear), £10 Lee Williams and the Cymbals, Lost Love, Carnival, Ex, (little biro WOLand a tad faded), £20 Joe Moore, I Ain’t, Verve DJ, VG+, £25 Fugitives, I Love You More Than Anything, Path, M-, £20 Bernie Moore, I Wanna Be Loved To Death, Burdett 1914, M-, £25 (sorry if I’ve overpriced this but its £75 on a well known site) - Sold Vicki Anderson, Wide Awake In A Dream, Deluxe, M-, £20 Shirley Caesar, Stand The Storm, Hob is Gospel, M-, £15 - Sold Jackie Day, Oh What Heartaches, Modern, M-, £20 Cheers All the B Steve
  2. Thank you all for the above, very kind and much appreciated. ATB Steve
  3. Hi, I've decided to sell some records (probably on here) and would really like some help on what is a fair price for the following: Little Anthony..., Better use your head on octagonal yelow veep, M- Etta James - Seven Day Fool on orig Argo, M-, almost mint Dobie Gray - Out on the floor, orig Charger, Ex+ Lee Williams...., Lost Love, Carnival, Ex, little WOL and a little faded. Bernie Moore - I wanna be loved to death, Burdett 1914, M- Masqueraders - I aint gonna stop, AGP, M- Fugitives - I love you more than anything, Path, M- Vicki Anderson - Wide awake in a dream, Deluxe, M- Spyder Turner - I cant make it....., MGM, M- DH Mill Evans - I've got to have your love, Constellation Records Inc, M- tiny bit of ring wear Joe Moore - I aint, Verve DJ, VG+ Johnny Nash - You never know, MGM not for sale, M- Soul brothers six - I'll be loving you/Some kind of wonderful, Atlantic 2406, Ex Shirley Caesar - stand the storm, Hob is gospel, M- Jackie Day - Oh what heartaches, Modern, M- I do realise there is a lot here and its a bit of a cheek but any help appreciated cheers steve
  4. Beautiful and Poignant song Anyone heard Dions version? Mid
  5. May as well put up a few examples Little Darling (I need you), Queen of Fools, Carstairs (remember my old friend Spot having one of the first copies in the UK, unless of course I remember wrongly) - Vikings Club Goole (Some of you may have heard of it) Tainted Love, Landslide and Condition Red - Wigan Cashing In, Lend a Hand - The Pier Ta S
  6. I know exactly what you mean. Loads of records for me, as soon as I hear the opening bars always transport me to a specific time, and I mean specific, down to an exact moment in time. One of the great things about music, makes you connect with the past. Cheers S
  7. I'm no expert but £229 for the Kim Weston? Or is it because I know nowt?
  8. Whats not to like? Cheers Sooty, that'll be my one for when I wake up at 3am!
  9. Freda Payne - Bring The Boys Home
  10. I could never compete with Sootys stories but...........heres one bird related story from me: Years ago I used to live in East Finchley and get the tube to work, East Finchley is the last station on the northern line before it goes underground. Just after I got on and when the doors were still open a sparrow flew in and started flying about (people panicking and flapping about (not just the bird) all over the place). After a little while it settled next to me and while everyone was holding their breath I slowly grabbed it (superhero style!). People round me got off, new people got on, new people obviously though I was some kind of weirdo with a pet sparrow that I take for trips out, I also had to change at Euston so had to walk between platforms and get on another train with a bloddy sparrow in my hand, felt a right prat. Tried to explain to onlookers but it just got more awkward. Got off at Oxford Circus at let it go! Thats my bird story. Cheers S
  11. Big memory of the Casino, looking down from the balcony (bar end) with Night Owl playing, one of THE casino records for me. Sad news, hope he realised he was appreciated.
  12. Just to add to concensus; I used to use Gemm, now use Discogs.
  13. And the track was?
  14. Slightly off topic I know but I too have fond memories of Bub, one of those characters you never forget, remember being on many a train journey with him to cleethorpes (and I think Wigan), proper funny. Probably an old one but remember him interupting his set (i forget where) saying "just heard a Riker lorry has overturned on motorway, the road will be blocked for a few hours" Mid
  15. Probably a lot to do with nostalgia but feel good factor through the roof listening to this. They (maybe they are) should be available to buy as CD or download, you could do a series "youth club classics" or something like that. Do another one please Cheers S
  16. Cleethorpes Pier and "fuelled up" - Bobby Hutton - Lend a Hand and Sam Moultrie - I'll Always Love You
  17. £10.80 for a litre, theres a few sizes and they are sold by shiny hardware through amazon, to tell the truth I didn't have a clue what the stuff was so I googled it and the first "result" was amazon Cheers
  18. Not a massive contribution to the thread I know but I don't understood Ex- , the minus bit puts me off. Obviously its as good as Vg+ but I'd rather see it graded as that.
  19. Know what you mean mate, I'm thinking about councilling as I spend half my waking hours on it. Could be worse though eh? Cheers
  20. Always loved Donnie Elberts versions of "Where did our love go" and "I can't help myself"
  21. Every 70's one by: Detroit Spinners Detroit Emeralds O'Jays Stevie Wonder Barry White Earth Wind and Fire Al Green Gladys Knight (Midnight Train........) Isley Brothers Kool and the Gang Parliament/Funkadelic Ohio Players Johnny Bristol - Hang on in there baby Lou Rawls - You'll never find......... So so many I like this topic, makes a change from hearing about some obscure/rare/expensive rubbish that no one really likes
  22. Thank you all for your replys, it may take me awhile (and cost me a bit) but I'll check it all out. Best Wishes Steve
  23. Good point Dave, I should have been more specific and said "non retro". Thanks for the link to previous thread and if Peter is reading this thanks for your reply as well. Cheers Steve

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