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Stewart P

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Everything posted by Stewart P

  1. Stewart P

    St G's Soul Club Telford

    St G's Soul Club St Georges Sport's & Social Club Church Street Telford TF2 9LU Resident Dj's Rob & Stewart with GUEST Ian "Spider" Rogers Friday 21st January 2022 7.30pm till 12.30am £5 entry, pay on the door Check St G's Telford Facebook page for info .
  2. Stewart P

    St G's Soul Club Telford

    St G's Soul Club St Georges Sport's & Social Club Church Street Telford TF2 9LU Resident Dj's Rob & Stewart with GUESTS Steve Webb Chris Evans £5 entry, pay on the door Check St G's Telford Facebook page for info. Friday 19th November 2021. 7.30pm till 12.30am
  3. Stewart P

    St G's Soul Club Telford

    St G's Soul Club St Georges Sport's & Social Club Church Street Telford TF2 9LU Resident Dj's Rob & Stewart with GUESTS Kev Smith Falcon Tonks £5 entry, pay on the door Check St G's Telford Facebook page for info. Friday 17th September 2021. 7.30pm till 12.30am
  4. hi,third time maybe lucky, still after the chevrons-love i love you,on mmc or independence. does not have to be mint.just a nice copy. tia stewart.
  5. mmc or independence. please pm me with condition and price. thanks.
  6. still after a copy of the chevrons-love i love you. can you pm me with condition and price. thanks stewart.
  7. hi,has anyone got one to sell,please pm me with condition and price. thankyou. stewart.
  8. looking for a copy of the chevrons-love i love you. thanks. please pm me with price and condition. stewart.
  9. looking for a copy of the knickerbockers-wishful thinking. pm me with price and condition. thanks.
  10. St G's Soul Club St Georges Sports & Social Club, Church Street, Telford, TF2 9LU Friday 17th January 2020. 7.30pm till 12.30am Playing Northern Soul, R&B, and Motown Classics. Resident DJ's Rob,Stewart, Plus Special Guest Tony Fitzgibbon. £5 admission pay on the door. Rob 01952 586142 Stewart 01952 597437
  11. hi,can you send me the list.stewartpitt44@btinternet.com
  12. can i have one please. stewart.
  13. after a copy of the high keys living a lie-let's take a chance on verve second issue or boot. thanks stewart
  14. still looking has anyone got a boot copy for sale.
  15. still looking has anyone got one for sale
  16. hi,no i have not got one,i would like to buy one if anyone has one for sale.
  17. what price does it go for.
  18. does any one know if the high keys living a lie-let's take a chance on verve come out on a boot. thanks stewart
  19. hi all,looking for a nice copy of this,please pm me if you have one for sale. thanks stewart
  20. after a copy of betty Lloyd-i'm catching on bsc label the unofficial release,i think it is a belgium release. please pm with condition and price. thanks stewart
  21. hi,still looking pm me with price and condition. thanks stewart
  22. hi,i am after a copy of joe kennedy/slick trick . must be in good condition. thanks stewart
  23. pms you
  24. hi,does anybody have chris king's playlist from the king's hall stoke on sat nite thanks stewart
  25. after a copy of the four shells-reputation on volt. let me know your price please. stewart

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