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Everything posted by timthemod

  1. There's a copy of the Ringleaders - Baby What Happened (white demo)on UK ebay ending today. The seller states it an original, looks like a reissue to mean, the font looks way too modern!
  2. Thanks andy If I go to Shake on Friday I'll talk to you there.
  3. This topic probably already been covered, but being fairly new to this at would be interesting to hear other peoples views. I've just got this Music Match software for converting vinyl to MP3 and have only just started using it, seems fairly easy, but is there any other software you can recommend.
  4. It's my last day at work today, so what I'll do is start a new thread in January with the correct inform for how the copyright laws work. Probably just as well as I'll have to talk to some of my colleagues to get the full picture.
  5. I've only just come across this post but feel I'm qualified to reply to it, working in the music copyright environment. I completely agree and understand Ady's point's. We've spoken about it on a number of occasions. The main problem is that although the record industry is a multi million pound industry, goldmine is only a very small label. The major part of copyright theft concerns the bootlegging of major label Cd's and DVD's, and it' s the major copiers that the industry targets.
  6. Does anyone know if the Carol Fran version of Roll With the Punches on The soulclub.org is the same the Garnet Mimms track of the same name? Seems odd as I never come across a Carol Fran track of this title and it sounds like a male vocal.

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