no promoters shouldnt do that. why should they? its the responsibility of the person who owns them to look after them.
would you leave £10,000 in cash in a bar that wasnt yours just on a seat? doubtful. think of it that way
some people leave their kids in places, David Cameron at the pub, The McCanns etc. there's an argument to say that if you can be bothered to look after your own property then you kind of deserve all you get, especially in this day and age.
i ran a night successfully for a few years in a bad part of London, coming out at 4am with crack heads hanging about, muggings etc. i had a protocol for the dj booth and for getting from club to cab. same for airports. got stuck in milan airport on the way back from russia for 8 hours with 200 records - alitalia went bankrupt whilst i was in the air - had 3 or 4 people trying to hustle me for them, distract me etc. was overtired, hungover, hungry but kept the tunes.
if people pride themselves on these tunes so as weve been told time and time again over the last day youve got to wonder how did someone steal them from them. was it force, beer or just lack of care.