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Everything posted by Deadwaxdetective

  1. PM'd also seven & nine.I ain't no bingo caller OK!!!!!
  2. Wouldn't class this as an average rekkid anyday of the week for the last forty years.IMHO this represents the beauty of rare NS in one piece of black wax with a nice plain label.Relentless drum/bass beat throughout with pleading lead vocals backed with harmony and an oh so soulful fadeout....'can't you tell that i really love you baby....' B side'sgood as well!!
  3. Pm'd you sir,the same question as last week to which i recieved no reply to date.
  4. Thanks for the guiding light.I'm old to soul but new to this forum,so just still finding my feet and checking out how it all works,cause having read numerous threads these last few months,could there be some dodgy geezers about these here parts?LOL And is there any point in offering a rekkid for sale that's already sold? Don't bother replying 'cause i've got the point.
  5. Three already sold within six miniutes of posting,without any reply on this site?that's good business,unless of course i'm missing something!!!
  6. Jerry (Hippo) Hipkiss together with two mirror images of his-fineself!! This guy has championed the radio broadcast of soul/northern soul since the early eighties(not-a lot of people know that) A national treasure in this part of Gloucestershire.Oh, by the way it's his birthday today.Not sure how old but may i borrow your bus pass tomorrow kid, i need to go into town to the bank!!!!
  7. Why do the original Arctic 45 label scans look,by and large,always 'authenticaly distressed' i.e. VG+? or worn to be honest.
  8. Would the Earl Van Dyke be a stereo press?
  9. With Stanley Mitchell- Get it baby, for me possibly my fave Northern track..Relentless Detroit vibe,rapping lyrics meaning not-a-lot but such a feel to want these cinquentarian limbs to want to get up and get DOWN!!! But it's the getting back up afterwards,eh?!! If this one doesn't make you head for the floor,check your pulses kids,you may be dead alrrady!!LOL
  10. Seem to have hit the wrong button just then with my genuine reply to Nige Browns' thread on Shag Conners' & the Carrot Crunchers.Now there was an act guarenteed to make you piss-yourself laughing,even when you didn't need a piss!! A loveley guy and true professional performer together with his live cock (!) on stage with him. Incidentally he lived in or around the Yate area,when Yate was going on.Did anyone ever witness a guy there wearing a yokel smock with a big cock in his hand?? LOL. RIP 'ol Shag. Have the same album Nige, minter and autographed as well,by Shag,not the cock!! Is it worth 'owt? LOL
  11. Why would anyone want a VG+ copy? Such a lovely record and quiet in all the right places!! All that 'crackle & pop' would surely spoil the listening experience?
  12. Checkout the demo copy for sale,it's date stamped.
  13. Embers on MGM.Release date would appear to be Sept 15th 1970.Demo copy for sale at www.chazesrecords.com.
  14. Did you advise the recepient of you're intention to despatch the day before? I suspect not,otherwise the recipient may have been in,to sign for the delivery.I suspect that communication between you's two was at fault here.Otherwise you could have mailed to the place of work. A full time job!!! I remember those days,i wish i still had one!! But common sense and talking to your customers,hey baby,that's where it's at!
  15. Three before eight? It has to be a strong coffee,a ciggie & most days a particularly dynamic number two!!! Only being honest,because we are considering 8AM!!!
  16. You'll be thrilled-to-bits with your investment. I was.Check-out the 'B' side Voodo Man.Far-out!
  17. Four Tracks on Mandingo from the guy who sells car number plates on e-bay!!! Word was there were a couple of boxes found. These have been up for grabs,one-a-week,on-and-off for quite a while now.What i find amazing is that they were found in an old Detroit record store.OK.So what else was found in said store? Why wasn't the store cleared out years ago? I dunno,it seems to good to be true.
  18. Hi Steve,shame it wasn't the Spiders Web on Commercial Road where as a fourteen year old 'dj' i was banging=out the latest picks off Richard Selwood when he traded from his flat in Hare Lane,plus a whole lot of British label stuff bought mail order from adverts in Record Mirror,Collectors Soul and the like.Not truly a NorthernNight. 'cause of course the genre had not yet been identified and named as such.However the Library was the place for me,saw Mike Raven there and Carl Dene was a regular.How i wish that place was still available to use as a club-Oh how i've asked!! Would be perfect for the centre of Gloucester,sits bang in the epicentre of all the night bus routes out of town for us thirsty-types!!! First Allniter for me was The Junction in Crewe.Lots of starry eyed folk who to a man had absolutely no intention of having the slightest of KIP!!! Far-out! Les Ash.

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