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Everything posted by Deadwaxdetective

  1. You have a PM
  2. Thankyou so much for that big-bag-of-info,and i was only evesdropping!! Top stuff.
  3. Very suprised that the soul-source police haven't SWOOPED DOWN ON YOU for these latter big-'em up,knock 'em down or even just give 'em a sideways squeeze in a loving way comments following a sales posting.Thought that was all now TABOO. And quite rightly so may i add.GRUMPINESS, the new NEXT TO GODLINESS,right kids?? Far-out!!!
  4. Why does September Jones sit amongst the concluded items???
  5. Radio London broadcast from the MV Galaxy,A metal thing with a pointed and blunt end which bobbed about in the north sea approaches during bad weather!! But keeping right on thread here,read the description through in the style of Rosko.It then becomes quite a funky & beautiful thang!!!! Still Bollox though!
  6. Makes me wonder why you bothered,Mark.
  7. Just had a deja-vu moment reading that.About 15years or so ago i visited a used record shop in Weston-super-Mare,can't quite remember the name,maybe 18-30 records or similar.I asked after anything unsorted in the soul vein and was invited to the back room to peruse a box or two of 45's.Quite a few Tamla Motown G&W demo's which had all seen better days,but in amongst all this was a wad of cash,all notes of Her Majesties folding variety!!! I quietley called in the guy on duty to point out what i had found and he was made-up!! He said to select anything i wanted.I gracefully declined.This is a true story.I was a salesman at the time working in the printing industry,suited & booted.How i wanted so much the next day to go to work wearing myunderpants on the topside of my troosaz!!! Far-out.
  8. Sorry,i broke wind on that last one!! Nige,i have an original imprint of this,procured from the states when first published back in the 90's.You don't really want it though 'cause the prices will make cry!! Will try and catch you at the Gloucester Allnighter on feb 4th,to buy you a beer at least.
  9. I gave my postie Tony Goodman, a 'drink' at christmas,he looks after my 45 deliveries.However the lp's normally arrive via Owen Morgan and i hope to catch up with him at Soulfusion next weekend.There ya go,two professional postman who love their work named & praised to the max.Such a great pity that the organisation they front so proudly,and which still bears the Queens royal warrant,is a bag of shit on an average day-in-day-out basis.Can't get the staff? Nah, can't get the management!!!
  10. Why not give Adey Pierce a call?
  11. Thankyou for getting back to me via PM.I will now spend the fiver on..........BEER!!
  12. Will that be before or after the comedian,bingo & soup in-a-basket?!!!
  13. And worth every penny IMHO. " Only you could teach a robin not to sing" What a line,what a rekkid,far-out!!
  14. Kurt Harris- Emporer of my babys' heart.Procured blind from the US back in the 90's on the back of some buzz surrounding the title on the scene.What a load of complete BOLLOCKS this record is.And people are still after it!!!!!
  15. You'll find it on You-Tube (tho in four parts) if you search.Yes very well put together.
  16. Ooh,i do hope so since i have a whole case of 'em to move on in due course!!!!
  17. Originally commisioned and screened on BBC2 under the Screen2 branding.Well worth finding if never seen,a feel-good production,IMHO.
  18. And an old mate of mine from Quinton in Brum supplied the ice cream van!!!
  19. Steve Jefferies had one this week on his site.www.rarenorthernsoul.com
  20. And also issue 1 Blues and Soul magazine but i guess that woul be too much dosh!!!
  21. A copy here if you're intersted.A top read.
  22. Nonetheless just a stunning example of the Marmite music we adore.Yet again,a one-of-it's kind sound since i guess there's nothing like it in any shape,form or plagiarized sample out there. First heard this on Richard Searlings' Cellarfull of Soul radio show back in the 90''s and will always be indebted to Richard for that.One of three 45's i would like to own before i meet my maker!!!!
  23. Thanks for that.Let the Lou Ragland go.Just picked one up in the in-between time.

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