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Everything posted by Linky

  1. Dave Withers - taught me the difference between Soul, Northern Soul and Northern. I used to throw sickies at work in Halifax to go and help out on his stall in the old Manchester Arndale...to get first pick of the new stuff Although Rod used to scare me for some reason.
  2. Had the pleasure of meeting Brian when he came over to Barcelona to 'shoot' the Movin' On Weekender and am looking forward to catching up with him again at Radcliffe this weekend. My advise is if you see him at your local event then have a chat with him. He's as nice a guy you're ever likely to meet and he's very open about what he's doing - more than happy to explain the technical side of his work and, as discussed above, never in anybody's face. He's not just some bloke with a camera and nor is he trying to bring something new to the table - it's his profession and he's simply documenting the scene as it is today. Check out some of his other work - he was the artistic director for Oasis & Verve and has produced some of the most iconic album covers. Andrew. (Is that all right Bri? Don't forget the Vodka )
  3. Always hear Tangeers 'Let My Heart & Soul Be Free' but I've never heard the flip 'What's The Use...' played out since Wigan.
  4. At the risk of groans all round - Invitations - Skiing In The Snow...although it's quite warm here in Barcelona today! Save some white stuff for next weekend when I'll be back.
  5. Ha-ha. I've still got this picture too Derek. Although I remember the night well - for all the wrong reasons - I don't know how I got on the coach as I was absolutely wasted. I didn't have any money to get in and somebody was going to come out with a stamp on their hand so I could get in. Unfortunately whilst I was waiting I got set upon by a group of lads and they ripped my coat off me and give me a good hiding. One of the bouncers dragged them off me and let me in for free out of pity. When did Bob pass away? He was my original mentor...along with you of course.
  6. I was under the impression that OVO initially meant 'On Vinyl Only' with the introduction of CD decks in the late 90s/early 00s. This was then upgraded to 'Original Only Vinyl'.
  7. I have a Williams & Watson 'Quitter Never Wins' on an Okeh demo but I'm a bit concerned it's a boot even though it came from a reputable source. It has a scratched matrix rather than a stamped but have read differing views on the validity of this. It is styrene which led me to believe it was kosher - however, it has 1E at the end of JZSP 115907 which I've been informed COULD mean it is a later press...or just the number of the mother-plate. Boot or No Boot? Many thanks.
  8. I had to travel back in the Wakefield Tree Surgeons van with Ray that morning - I was gutted to say the least.
  9. Ray still has his. He bought it at Wigan in 80/81 for about £120 when there was less than half-a-dozen. He beat me to it by 10 minutes and £5
  10. And here I am - Mr Link. Hope you're OK Derek. I'll be making an appearance at your all-niter soon. Unfortunately my hair won't be with me. How young we all look

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