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Everything posted by Linky

  1. Maybe he's cashing in on his appearance in the new Northern film? Heaven forbid
  2. hahaheheohoh https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NAPOLEON-X1V-THEYRE-COMING-TO-TAKE-ME-AWAY-HAHA-UK-WB-/160985936354?pt=UK_Records&hash=item257b8271e2
  3. My girlfriend wants one but I keep telling her 'I've just missed out'. Can't bear thinking about paying for it...even with her money
  4. Bobby Sheen - Something New To Do' - twee-lyrical, mid-tempo, shuffling bobbins. Barbara Mills - 'Queen Of Fools' - Does Country & Western get any better - yee-ha Tim Tam & The Turn Ons - 'Wait A Minute' - Wait a minute? No Linky
  5. Looks like Embassy No 1 or Regal King Size to me. Didn't 'R' pay £120? The most depressing morning travelling back in the 'Wakefield Tree Surgeons' van the next day? Didn't know there was a photo! Linky
  6. Just missed out on this too https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/White-Dog-Poo-Very-Rare-/261170233642?pt=UK_Pet_Supplies_Dogs&hash=item3ccef5812a&nma=true&si=5GhS3gCWVi%252BrbIInOtrTfD7jXYc%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  7. Trawling through auctions ending on a Sunday is soul destroying...pun, very much, intended
  8. One on ebay - 3 days to go. Was going to offer you mine but after listening to it decided against it
  9. Or old ladies tuppences
  10. Afternoon good people, a few bits to go on eBay. Nothing too expensive. Mostly duplicates and trade-ups. https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/barsoulona/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p3686 Thank you, Linky
  11. VG++ excluding the rivet!!!!
  12. Think he may have got the idea about cover-ups a bit wrong
  13. Interesting to see the vote at this early stage being quite even, yet most people who've commented have agreed it's a good thing. Mm, must be the 'secret society' lurking in the dark corners It's got to be a good thing in my opinion. Linky.
  14. Charlie 'Hello My Darlings' Drake - Mr Custer https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CHARLIE-DRAKE-MR-CUSTER-NORTHERN-SOUL-LISTEN-/111011260424?pt=UK_Records&hash=item19d8c96808
  15. Hi, never posted on this section before so hope I'm not doing anything wrong! 10 classic Northern tracks - 9 originals/1 second issue - currently on eBay Williams & Watson Pat Lewis Dee Dee Sharp Carstairs Cavaliers Barbara Randolph Earl Grant Eddie Holman Little Richard Paul Anka Mostly doubles and trade-ups. I don't have to sell that's why they're not starting at 99p!! Anyway, have a look if you want. https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/barsoulona/m.html?item=251227831753&ssPageName=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 Cheers, Linky
  16. I have a copy of Billy Sha Rae's version with a letter from Jack Duckworth if anyone's interested
  17. Kylie Minogue - Time Will Pass You By' - dreadful...nice bum though
  18. Not looking forward to the West End version...Gary Wilmott, Lenny Henry and maybe a couple of minor characters from Eastenders maybe?
  19. Rufus Lumley - 'I'm Standing' - Rock'n'Rollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
  20. Is it anybody from Barcelona? if so, I'm likely to know or know of them. Could have a word. Regards, Linky
  21. Wish I'd spent the hour doing what Millie did
  22. I would 'like' your comment Nev but apparently I've reached my 'quota for positive votes for the day,' -
  23. As opposed to Viagra?
  24. Couple of questions here really - for the sellers and buyers. I can't seem to find any 7" mailers in Spain - does anybody know where I can find any here. Secondly, would you find it acceptable to receive/send records delivered in bubble-wrapped envelopes with stiffeners? I've had several from the States come in bubble-wrap envelopes and they've all been fine - I'm just not 100% sure. Many thanks, Linky

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