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Everything posted by Linky

  1. Linky

    Cynthia, Brenda, H, ? and ?

    Cynthia was my cousin. She kidnapped me from one of our uncle & aunty's 25th wedding anniversary, and took me to Wigan for the first time. The week after the anniversary in 1977. RIP Cynthia.
  2. Couldn't agree more Mark Bicknell - if they'd have got a fiver from each event the target would have probably been reached. T'other Mark - I too, will not be investing. As I said, I'm not bothered either way and I have no connection with the appeal or the charity - just saw it on a facebook page and made me giggle
  3. They seem to be bona fide. They're on on Rochdale Council's page. https://rochdale.fsd.org.uk/kb5/rochdale/fsd/organisation.page?id=RKL00xab4UU
  4. I'm not bothered either way, but I'm sure some people will be interested and would like to donate. I do think it's a nice touch the excess raised will go to a dependency clinic though. https://www.justgiving.com/local/project/wigancasino
  5. Looks like they already have
  6. Always puzzled me, but does anybody know why certain UK labels in the 60's changed their demos from white/red to green/white?
  7. I think it's about time we had a KTF smiley ...along with a tongue-in-cheek smiley this one doesn't quite do it.
  8. Are you sure that wasn't Jimmy Saville
  9. Oh dear...that'll be me on page 189. Thanks Mr Pearson
  10. Never been a great fan of dancing in broad daylight. Get some bloody curtains up
  11. Is there a record out there that has WOL on more copies than Belita Woods? 12 have sold on ebay in the last two months - six of which have WOL. They've ranged from £6 to £96 and none of them seemed to be any better than VG+. You rarely see one in EX or Mint and I have a vision of somebody in the states with sandpaper and a marker pen furiously scratching away before putting it up for auction! PS - my copy has WOL Linky
  12. Jumped from £2.19 to £100 in one bid - and then £102 to £200 - £202 to £299. One of the bidders has a feedback score of 2642! Surely he knows it's a boot.
  13. Been to both Empty Bottles and the new Driving Beat in the last couple of months and fully agree. A little bit shabby but a fabulous atmosphere and great music - which is what it's all about isn't it? Also, Different Strokes at the Nags Head - love the toilet upstairs with the shower!!! Once again though, great atmosphere and music more than makes up for the decor. Linky
  14. Reasonable set sale price only please. It's a cheapie so I would prefer a NM copy if possible. Big love, Linky
  15. Is it Loose Women from 1.30?
  16. Imagine how Pete S feels
  17. Still wouldn't persuade me to watch it
  18. Think you'll find it was a carver
  19. - POP In 1984, the controversial band Frankie Goes to Hollywood invaded the British music industry with their songs. Their achievement then gave way to more acts including Wham! and Dead or Alive. Finally, bands such as Journey, Aerosmith, and AC/DC introduced us to hard rock, which continues to be a huge hit to this day. Not to be be picky, but both Wham & Dead or Alive would have had record deals before Frankie, surely? And the hard rock sentence is just silly. Linky
  20. Casino Classics...say no more.
  21. As above - Linda Jones. In my mind, still the greatest female vocalist.
  22. The Tomangoe's on Grapvine became The Tamangoe's I seem to remember.
  23. Dean Courtney 'I'll Always Need You' RCA Demo VG+ very light scuffs which don't affect play other wise it would be VG++. Nice clean copy. £110 plus postage from Spain - paypal gift preferred. £5 standard airmail. £8 registered airmail. I can post for less but it would mean just sending it in a bubble-wrapped envelope with two stiffeners. Many thanks, Linky
  24. Was back in the UK for a week or so recently and made a decision to avoid the usual nights - went to Different Strokes and Empty Bottles instead. I hadn't heard 80% of the tunes before or most of the DJs playing them. But what a couple of nights!!! Great music, great atmosphere and not a single repeat across both nights. The truth is out there
  25. I think the original has a 'H' stamped in...or at least mine has.

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