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About Linky

  • Birthday 30/08/1961

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    Ripponden, West Yorkshire
  • Top Soul Sound
    frankie beverley & the butlers 'if that's what you wanted'

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  1. Linky

    Cynthia, Brenda, H, ? and ?

    Cynthia was my cousin. She kidnapped me from one of our uncle & aunty's 25th wedding anniversary, and took me to Wigan for the first time. The week after the anniversary in 1977. RIP Cynthia.
  2. Couldn't agree more Mark Bicknell - if they'd have got a fiver from each event the target would have probably been reached. T'other Mark - I too, will not be investing. As I said, I'm not bothered either way and I have no connection with the appeal or the charity - just saw it on a facebook page and made me giggle
  3. They seem to be bona fide. They're on on Rochdale Council's page. https://rochdale.fsd.org.uk/kb5/rochdale/fsd/organisation.page?id=RKL00xab4UU
  4. I'm not bothered either way, but I'm sure some people will be interested and would like to donate. I do think it's a nice touch the excess raised will go to a dependency clinic though. https://www.justgiving.com/local/project/wigancasino
  5. Looks like they already have
  6. Always puzzled me, but does anybody know why certain UK labels in the 60's changed their demos from white/red to green/white?
  7. I think it's about time we had a KTF smiley ...along with a tongue-in-cheek smiley this one doesn't quite do it.
  8. Are you sure that wasn't Jimmy Saville
  9. Oh dear...that'll be me on page 189. Thanks Mr Pearson
  10. Never been a great fan of dancing in broad daylight. Get some bloody curtains up
  11. Is there a record out there that has WOL on more copies than Belita Woods? 12 have sold on ebay in the last two months - six of which have WOL. They've ranged from £6 to £96 and none of them seemed to be any better than VG+. You rarely see one in EX or Mint and I have a vision of somebody in the states with sandpaper and a marker pen furiously scratching away before putting it up for auction! PS - my copy has WOL Linky
  12. Jumped from £2.19 to £100 in one bid - and then £102 to £200 - £202 to £299. One of the bidders has a feedback score of 2642! Surely he knows it's a boot.
  13. Been to both Empty Bottles and the new Driving Beat in the last couple of months and fully agree. A little bit shabby but a fabulous atmosphere and great music - which is what it's all about isn't it? Also, Different Strokes at the Nags Head - love the toilet upstairs with the shower!!! Once again though, great atmosphere and music more than makes up for the decor. Linky
  14. Reasonable set sale price only please. It's a cheapie so I would prefer a NM copy if possible. Big love, Linky
  15. Is it Loose Women from 1.30?

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