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Everything posted by Heikki

  1. Hi! My interviews with Henry Fambrough and the new fifth guy, Ronnie Moss, at https://www.soulexpress.net/deep7_2013.htm (also some Candi Staton and Tommy Hunt). Best regards Heikki
  2. Hi! https://www.soulexpress.net/tommytate_discography.htm Best regards Heikki
  3. Hi! My recent interview with Joe on his new autobiography... also some comments from the Philly writer, Bruce Hawes, on his book at https://www.soulexpress.net/deep6_2013.htm Best regards Heikki
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  4. Thank you, Philippe. I'm hoping to put the second part up there in a month or so. Before that there are other things to publish... Best regards Heikki
  5. Hi! Her Chess period is covered in the first part of the feature at https://www.soulexpress.net/mittycollier_part1.htm Best regards Heikki
  6. Hi! My short interview with Bettye is available at https://www.soulexpress.net/deep5_2013.htm Best regards Heikki
  7. Hi Dave! You're quite right in the fact that those "all-instruments keys" have ruined a lot of the listening pleasure, behind a lot of great voices. Luckily, more and more authentic music is created lately, wittness Barbara Carr, Latimore (80 %), Otis Clay, Tasha Taylor... I hope we're heading in the right direction, but there's always the money factor. If Ecko's John Ward says that those indie SS CD's sell approximately 3,000 pieces, the shoestring budget is understandable; from the business point of view, not music. Hi Peter! That's a good suggestion, but sometimes I'd like to define it a bit more :-). Best regards Heikki
  8. Hi! I found the interview in question. Actually it was conducted already in 2007. I remembered slightly wrong. Her opinion on this issue is expressed in two last paragraphs https://www.soulexpress.net/deep207.htm#deniselasalle Best regards Heikki
  9. Hi! I remember when talking to Denise LaSalle a few years ago she said that "this music today is called soul-blues down here." She didn't like the term "blues" being used to describe today's indie material, released on Malaco, Ecko, CDS and such. It's interesting, if in Arkansas they don't know the term, where does the geographical line go? Where is exactly "down here"? Best regards Heikki
  10. Hi Dave! ... and thank you for your kind words. I think "Soul-Blues" is the most common word nowadays in those circles, so I guess we have to settle for it... but not forgetting "southern Soul", which is a broader term, including older material, too. Some seem to mix "Deep Soul" and "Soul-Blues", but there's a difference. All those "hoochie" dancers are as far from Deep or Hard as it can get. Best regards Heikki
  11. Hi! My complete Latimore story is now available as part of my report on the great Porretta Soul Festival at https://www.soulexpress.net/deep4_2013.htm There's also the question: shall we call it "soul-blues" or "southern soul" at the end of the column. Best regards Heikki
  12. Hi! His few days old interview is available at https://www.soulexpress.net/deep3_2013.htm Best regards Heikki
  13. Hi! The whole story (plus the discography) is here, at https://www.soulexpress.net/ocsmith_story.htm Best regards Heikki
  14. Hi! https://www.soulexpress.net/soulchildren.htm Best regards Heikki
  15. Hi! There are some past comments from Marvin in my tribute at https://www.soulexpress.net/marvinjunior_tribute.htm Best regards Heikki
  16. His interview at https://www.soulexpress.net/deep2_2013.htm Best regards Heikki
  17. Hi! I think Richard looked at the wrong date in the calendar. Services were held on April 20th. Best regards Heikki
  18. Thank you, Peter! It really was a sad moment to find out about George's passing. He gave the impression of a very nice and laid-back guy, and you relaxed with him... on the phone, too.
  19. Hi! My tribute to George - with some past interviews with him - at https://www.soulexpress.net/georgejackson_tribute.htm Best regards Heikki
  20. Hi! The Righteous Brothers were the ones to introduce me into the soul music in the mid-60s. Please check out on YouTube also Bobby Hatfield's great version of Stay With Me. Best regards Heikki
  21. Hi! Both of these gentlemen are interviewed at https://www.soulexpress.net/deep1_2013.htm If you're not acquainted with Tony's interestring and contradictory career, you can read about it now. Also the personal top-20 of the year 2012 is included. Best regards Heikki
  22. Hi! Some info on Lee at https://www.soulexpress.net/deep5_2012.htm Best regards Heikki
  23. Hi! There's a new interview with Lee (+ Ellis Blake) at https://www.soulexpress.net/deep5_2012.htm Best regards Heikki
  24. Hi! Ron tyson on Love Committee, among other things, at: https://www.soulexpress.net/deep2_2012.htm#rontyson Best regards Heikki
  25. New Deep Soul column 4/2012 (November 2012) now online! @ Soul Express DEEP # 4/2012 (November) Both Dorothy Moore and Mighty Sam have come up with impressive new albums, and it was rewarding to learn interesting details behind the music from the artists themselves. For those, who wish to know more about their careers as a whole, we've added on our website my in-depth features on Dorothy and Sam from the 90s. I also introduce Anthony Watson, who by no means is a newcomer having recorded for 35 years by now. His latest CD is a real delight. Then there's the normal dose of both new mainstream and Southern soul records (with a short comments from Peggy Scott-Adams, too), as well as retrospect compilations... plus one book, Bettye LaVette's controversial biography. Content and quick links: Interviews: Mighty Sam McClain Dorothy Moore Anthony Watson http://www.soul-sour...5b8e1&resource=

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