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Everything posted by Heikki

  1. I had the pleasure of interviewing her a few years ago: https://www.soulexpress.net/mittycollier_part1.htm Best regards Heikki
  2. Hi! Please find my interview with the members a few years ago: https://www.soulexpress.net/masqueraders_story.htm R.I.P. David. Best regards Heikki
  3. R.I.P. Bobby! A short bio (until 2004, my first interview with him) - https://www.soulexpress.net/bobbyjonz.htm Best regards Heikki
  4. Hi! Please find my feature on Willie's career upo to 2015 here. I've updated it yearly later. https://www.soulexpress.net/williewalker_interview.htm He was a kind person, ans I miss him much. Best regards Heikki
  5. Hi! Already as many as six albums under her belt, she's a beautiful and talented lady: https://www.soulexpress.net/lacee_interview.htm Best regards Heikki
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  6. Hi! Please read my interview with this talented Memphis soul & blues singer with a recording career spanning over 25 years: https://www.soulexpress.net/bookerbrown_interview.htm Best regards Heikki
  7. Hi! George Curtis talks about the new Ace retrospective CD by the Spinners, "While the City Sleeps", and I've also added earlier comments on those songs from the other members of the group, at https://www.soulexpress.net/spinners_whilethecitysleeps.htm Best regards Heikki
  8. A new link: https://www.soulexpress.net/terrieodabi_interview.htm
  9. Sorry, we had a server problem, but it should be solved now.
  10. Hi! I try again: https://www.soulexpress.net/terrieodabi.htm Heikki
  11. The terrific Terrie is featured at https://www.soulexpress.net/terrieodabi.htm Best regards Heikki
  12. ... and then Mickey McGill's: Actor Michael Wright & Marvin Junior became good friends ..... Just ask Michael, because he's real, and will tell the truth about The 5 Heartbeats themightydells3 päivää sitten Really? The Making of The 5 Heartbeats, and omitting THE DELLS, who's life story was the SCRIPT for this great movie. Well it's a little late for that Robert Townsend, because the Genie is already 'Out of the Jug' and Everyone knows that The Mighty Dells were the Template for this movie. Maybe You should review, some of the Award Shows, where you presented The Dells with Awards for The 5 Heartbeats. Maybe you should tell The World, how The Dells performed "Oh What A Nite" and "Stay In My Corner" in the Movie, that you left on the Cutting Room Floor. Maybe you should stop lying. Lisätietoja ............................ VASTAA
  13. Hi! To make it easier, I copied out comments on here (first mine): Hi! Just a few sentences from my interview with the members of the Dells in the late 1990s: Chuck Barksdale: "This was not supposed to be a story about the Dells from the beginning. This was supposed to be a story about a stand-up vocal group, black, that was gonna be a comedy. Robert Townsend, the director, was brought to our dressing room by a young lady by the name of Kitty Sears, because he wanted to come and ask us, if it would be okay for him to use "Stay In My Corner" and "Oh What A Nite" in this up-coming comedy. When he mentioned 'comedy', Marvin Junior chimed in and said 'hey, wait a minute, ain't nothing funny about being a black stand-up vocal group. It's a major struggle, and the struggle continues today.' Robert said 'well, tell me more', and asked 'wait a minute, are you guys on tour now?' We said 'yes, we're on tour for the next six weeks.' He said 'do you mind, if I travel around with you. I like what I'm hearing so far.'" He travelled with us for the next six weeks. He watched our comradery, he heard us argue, saw us work on stage, riding on a bus, have dinner together. He took that and literally changed the script." Marvin Junior: "That was 85 % our story. When it was in the theatres, it was not that successful, but then they put it on video and on television, then it became very popular. The company didn't know how to handle that. They were so busy with the black movies with the killing and drugs and the whole bit - and here came a movie about entertainers, and they didn't quite know how to handle that." Michael McGill: "Don't ever let any other group or anybody else tell you that the movie was about them. Robert Townsend travelled with the Dells. Marvin told Robert things, and he was taking it all in --- so the story came from the Dells. Best regards/Heikki (Soul Express) Näytä vähemmän VASTAA
  14. Hi, still... You have to google - Robert Townsend "Making the Five Heartbeats" - to go on YouTube and read our comments. Best regards Heikki
  15. Hi! I wanted to bring this subject to this forum, too. It's about Robert Townsend's movie The Five Heartbeats. Please watch his interview and Mickey McGill's and my comments below.
  16. Hi! Please read Willie's and Quinton Claunch's comments on the new CD & also Billy Price talks about his latest CD, at https://www.soulexpress.net/deep3_2018.htm Best regards Heikki
  17. Hi! Please read my short report and my small chat with Wee Willie Walker. More features on artists will be published later. https://www.soulexpress.net/porrettasoul2018_report.htm Best regards Heikki
  18. Hi! Peggy talks about her latest CD release. Furthermore, there are two excellent books released on our music https://www.soulexpress.net/deep2_2018.htm Best regards Heikki
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  19. RIP Eugene Pitt! https://www.soulexpress.net/jivefive.htm Best regards Heikki
  20. Thank you, shufflin! I didn't know - or just don't remember - that he's been discussed here earlier.
  21. Once again: https://www.soulexpress.net/carltonjsmith_interview.htm
  22. Hi! A messanger of soul music all over the world, please get to know him: www.soulexpress.net/carltonjsmith_interview.htm Best regards Heikki
  23. https://www.soulexpress.net/deep6_2017.htm#floridasoul
  24. Hi "Manny"... nice hearing from you after a long time. I too have always enjoyed Thom's work, ever since the 60s. The good news is that most probably they'll publish a biography sometime in the future. Best regards Heikki
  25. Hi! My recent update with Thom is available, along with an interview with Lavel "Memphis" Jackson, some new CD reviews - including a great retro compilation of Z.Z. Hill - and my top-10 of 2017. https://www.soulexpress.net/deep1_2018.htm Best regards Heikki

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