Hi Ian,
Just to refresh your memory & to clarify what you have stated. I never "sold" you a record to the value of £500. You would give me part payment in money, the balance was given to me in copies of Danny Leake, Vanicia Wilson, & new releases. I have all our transactions written down. It was never a full monetary deal.
??? Yes, I remember the "Brut" record very well. It was Buddy Smith on Brute, at THAT time a 3/4 known copy record. I said you could have it for a £1000. You left it, I traded it at that same venue & night to a value of £2000.
Not moaning, just wanted to clarify what you have stated.
Nice to see you dj'ing again Ian. I'm sure it won't be long before you're bitten by the collecting bug again. You were very passionate about collecting 60's & 70's vinyl back then, perhaps you will be again one day.