The provenance certainly sounds good
As already said if authenticity is kosher then there are folks who would snap your hand off for it
Nice find Thomas
Just wondering
apart from Butch..who has a copy in the UK?
I know it's been on the decks twice at York Soul Club..c/o Mick H and Kenny Burrell but it appears those/that copy has gone West
It was a reference to the adjective alluring which to my mind has more feminine connotation..Sandy Golden is alluring..
Would describe Mello Souls as the dogs b....cks..masculine descriptor
Looking for one for the Mrs
Hopefully not too difficult
Bottom and Company Got To Find A True Love MOTOWN EX+/M-
Please PM with price etc
John P
Really enjoyed Nevs set...great tunes start to finnish
Bit of a mixed bag from me this month
Volumes Aint Gonna Give You Up Karen
Joe Matthews Check Yourself Kool Kat
The Trips Love Cant Be Modernised Soundville
Louis Curry A love I never Had Acetate
Soul Incorporated My Proposal Coconut Grove
Shawn Robinson My Dear Heart Minit
Jesse james Loves Alright Virtue Acetate
With My Love and What You Got Select Sound Unissued Instrumental Version
Walter and The Admirations Man Oh Man LaCindy
Cairos Stop Overlooking Me Shrine
Candi Staton Now You Got The Upper Hand Unity
Al Scott What Happened To Yesterday Genuine
Lynn Vernado Wash and Wear Love Gator
George Pepp The Feeling Is Real Coleman
Bobbie Smith Girl c/up
IJHarris All Ready To Go Cash
John and The Wierdest Cant Get Over These Memories Tie
Lillie Bryant Meet Me Halfway Tayster
Angela Davis Your Love Is So Strong Flaming Arrow
Rufus Wood Before 2001 Espanola
Bobby Valentine Lose It Before You Lose It Fania
George Blackwell Cant Lose My Head Smoke
Mel Britt Shell Come Running Back FIP
Sam Dees Lonely For You Baby SSS iNT
Leon Peterson Now You're On Your Own Skylark
Tropics Hey You Little Girl Topic
Couple more that Ive forgotten