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About fatfish

  • Birthday 05/12/1952

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  • Location
    Newark, united kingdom
  • Interests
    Walking,cycling, martial arts,tai chi, soul music, ufology! football.
  • Top Soul Sound
    Earl van dyke -6 x 6 [oldie] Mellow souls- we can make it [present]

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  1. Let the world know Northern Soul Dancing is alive.....That was a total embarrassment and anybody who has been on the scene a long time will understand why.....He`s turned this once great underground scene into a laughing episode and that`ll take some beating in the future but I don`t hold my breath with the UK media.....They like a good laugh!!!.....Got nothing against the guy prancing I mean dancing, he`s got balls to go on there,just hope his phone does`t ring for a follow up spot.......No way can you say the guy did good unless youve just been going to soul do`s for a short time and think wow!!! this is so good he`s let the world know how we dance at Northern Soul I am so proud!!!!!!!
  2. WTF the vocals compliment the superb orchestral backing IMO.....maybe bit poppy but crap, go get your hearing checked out lol.....like in previous posts when you hear this over a good sound system and loud it has that special vibe that most appreciate.....not heard it out for a long time about time Butch sold it on to a dj that plays it out lol.....
  3. What a great thread this is always had a soft spot for instrumentals since Telstar - Tornadoes, Jet Harris/Shadows ect ooops wrong thread! then into me soul years at the local club the infamous bowling green hotel in Newark circa 68/69 Al kent - Your gotta pay the price, Cliff Nobles -The Horse, the brilliant Switch it on, can someone put that up please,first time ive heard that for years only searched it out because of this thread + a few ive forgotten about, one that sticks in my mind and to this day takes some beating imho is Earl Van Dykes incredible six by six still my favourite instrumental of all time still pulls me to the dance floor with the same or more emotion inside me as it did in 69/70 even more so now because I know all about the the funk bros because of sitsom dvd. Last week at lifeline niter what a brill night that was by the way really liked soul sams prove yourself a lady inst just waiting for a instrumental version of the Nancy Wilcox monster tune to come out
  4. As you enter main hall every other record is from the torch or early wigan from a crystal clear sound system. After a few hours dancing and listening to the golden era I venture to room two which looks remarkably like the kestrel suite oh fook it is and its delivering the atmosphere and tunes that a burnley niter is renowned for After 3 am they swap rooms and the oldies crowd finally get out of there comfort zone and appreciate what great tunes are still out there!!
  5. This could be one of the best dayer/niters for 2013 the venue is that good always enjoyed both rooms at the civic. Its a bit like derby assembly rooms for comparison go easy over xmas and pencil this as a must do lets welcome spyder turner big time to the uk for his first public appearance and show him what a large northern soul crowd is all about !!!

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