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Everything posted by Soulman58

  1. Hi Steve, Are you trying to mess with my mind, I only count 8!!!! Neil
  2. I haven't been anywhere for ages, but I suppose 2 or more rooms was never a bad idea. Personally I would always head to the rooms where the DJs I liked the most, whether Northern, Modern, Jazz/Funk or deep were playing. If one room for me there needs to be plenty of variety.
  3. As ever a cracking show, finishing with one of Teddy P's masterpieces.
  4. I always think if someone's generally got good taste in soul across the board it rarely goes very wrong, keep bringing them on.
  5. Got to comment mid listen. If "Don't Have To Be A Star" is pure cheese I now know why I love cheese. Never apologise for great singalong soul classics.
  6. I haven't bought or sold anything for eons. But reading on here over the years Id say it depends if you want a quick sale look at prices from the main uk sites and take 40% off, if looking to buy aim for that but be prepared to wait.
  7. Just finishing Tomas's set, as has been said already, top notch right up my street.
  8. One of the few Christmas songs I have ever purchased.
  9. Pleased to read that, as I was thinking I must have missed something.
  10. Hi, I understand the OVO argument for playing out and don't want to get into that. But are you saying that we should never buy CDs for our own personal delight?? It is had to believe everyone buying vinyl, is doing so because they are budding DJs. I respect their decision to buy vinyl but as Soulstrutter says surely a much cheaper CD is the better option over a carver, as at least the royalties may end up in the correct pockets?
  11. Many thanks for posting. Just makes me wonder if there are other sets out there which need uploading.
  12. Never considered this before, but I wonder how many international buyers, who may be relatively new to the music, don't have English as their first language and just lack info on what is a sensible price. I probably paid over the odds, no idea by how much, as no idea what I paid then, in my early days buying at Wigan. The simple fact is there are more people who are able to pay over the odds now, in all price ranges.
  13. As someone who reads a lot and hasn't bought any vinyl for at least 10 years, i'd rather pick up some cheap singles. The price is ridiculous and has been said by everyone, if you weren't there or at least have a real love of the music what can you add.
  14. Too many to mention. But this never fails to move me.
  15. Top top show this week Chris, keep up the good work.
  16. Try the following: John Edwards - Tin Man or The Look On Your Face Moments - So This Is Our Goodbye Undisputed Truth - Girl Your Alright Betty Lavette - You'll Wake Up Wiser
  17. Making me hungry and I only had dinner 1hr ago!!
  18. Its purely and simply business/greed call it what you want. Posting something online is an easier/safer/cheaper/more lucrative way of achieving maximum profit. Why travel around lugging boxes, or producing lists which fail to reach the full potential market, even before the current issues. I haven't seriously collected, gone to fairs etc, in eons, however out of curiosity I do look at online sales. When the seller is so well known they gain maximum exposure, hence silly money in many/most cases. If I was still collecting I would say it takes the joy out of looking for bargains.
  19. Agree with all of the above.
  20. This is where my son would like to be, rather than in potential lockdown at Uni!!!
  21. Agreed. I think it is sad anywhere, when greed takes over from the love of something!!
  22. Why did I pass up on Jan Jones, when Ian Clark had it for £30 ish in his box behind the desk at collectors records in Guildford?
  23. You sound like my brother in law in the States, he lives towards the top of Maine and he'll have shorts on 95% of the year.
  24. RIP Rudy. If You Gotta Make A Fool Of Somebody is one of my Favs, recorded originally by James Ray them by a plethora of artists, including Maxine Brown, & Aretha . It was played live by the Beatles in their early days then Freddie & The Dreamers recorded it and hit the UK charts.
  25. Just worked my way through the 500, surprised myself as I have 63 of them. Also a large number I have never heard, some of which I have never heard of.

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