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Everything posted by Soulman58

  1. Sorry Ste - Donald Lee Richardson (B) side tops it for me, but both top notch. No idea re cost as stopped worrying about them when I stopped buying, other than keeping an eye on what people pay for anything I still own.
  2. Many thanks for uploading a wonderful listen
  3. Ste not sure which label are they on?
  4. Funnily enough also sorting boxes, missing Carstairs not critical more annoying.
  5. Ste - No its just soul down my way, well in my house at least!!!
  6. Thanks for the clarification. I agree Ste, just put a crossover playlist on, bloody good it is too. Bloody hell another terminology!!!
  7. Wow, I thought I was being mischevious but Tricky has trumped me. No Soulful Northern, I know of a lot that i'd happily kick into the North sea, but none soulful wow, or am I reading too much between the lines. Need to put the kettle on to recover. It is taking my mind of West Ham's match later though.
  8. Ste - maybe he has gone all Eurovision?
  9. Classic Len. You were missed at BVan last night, where does Motown sit?
  10. Very true - but going back to the original question is the rare scene just the northern scene having moved forwards?
  11. But they were all made to sell, not sit unheard??!!! Or is it commercial and the Whispers 'and the beat goes on'.................................
  12. Here's a can of worms. We could all pick one record but does that really work, eg some may pick instrumentals, which I tend to dislike, but is that a good introduction. If I had to pick one i'd g with 'Tainted Love' as most people will know a different version, if they prefer that they will never get it, however anyone with a bit of soul will say ok, then you can start to increase their knowledge as the potential playlist yo would create for them will have all sorts of things on it. The other worm in the room is the term 'Rare Soul' ie i'm sure there are some reading who consider themselves rare soul fans/collectors but would be turned off by some very rare Deep Soul or Modern Soul. At the end of the day it has always just been Soul to me, some I love, some I like, that doesn't mean we have to agree as there is plenty out there. However, to me anyone who buys something just because it is rare is an investor, but hey, 'to each his own'.
  13. Some nice sounds, for me The Regime is the standout track. could see it being played out in many different types of venue.
  14. If you like smoother Jazz - Set It Free; Phantazia and Liquid ok For something funkier - Funk In A Mason Jar
  15. If Lou Rawls is a guilty pleasure I'm up for a life sentence!!!
  16. Off the top off my head I'm not sure. I'll dig it out and check.
  17. Hi Mal, Yes I have the LP "Funk In A Mason Jar" like lots of the Jazz/Funk albums of the time a bit patchy
  18. Trying to work out why I haven't played Harvey Mason for over 35 yrs!!!
  19. Roller disco was big back in the day!!!!
  20. Hi Chris - excellent show as per usual. Jimmy Ruffin track made me think need to pull out old singles hiding in cupboard and play the B sides. Feeling brave and started work on a top 7 that helped me through lockdown. How can I send these once complete? Regards, Neil
  21. Given how close he was to Bisley, I'm sure I passed a few pounds to him at the All-Nighters there,. As Winsford said the easy way to pick up sounds which were massive at a young age.
  22. Couldn't agree more saw him twice both times great shows.
  23. R.I.P Dave, A fellow suffering Hammer whose posts always added colour to whatever topic he engaged with, he will be missed.
  24. It would be interesting to see a similar article from mainstream music media buffs in the UK to see what the differences would be. Its always going to be very different from this audience, though I was amazed to read that John Hart wouldn't have any of them in his top 100. I always say 'To Each His Own' but I'm struggling to think any of Baby I'm For Real, Tracks Of My Tears, Every Little Bit Hurts, I Heard It Through The Grapevine or Whats Going On, wouldn't be included.

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