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Everything posted by Soulman58

  1. Little Anthony easily a classic. Philly devotions ok, Susan Raffey not for me. Alicia Keys nowhere near her best.
  2. Really appreciate it is available on mixcloud.
  3. As ever some great stuff, disappointed no John Edwards and flabbergasted no Julius Thomas, thought was nailed on for top 5/10. However, always say to each his own.
  4. Spencer Davis Group - Keep On Running
  5. Have a super soulful Xmas everyone, stay safe and very best wishes for a healthy and fun 2022. Neil
  6. So good my top 3 at the moment doesn't include my pick from the first show!
  7. No idea if I'm correct, but my guess is they think more alcohol/drugs people less in control and more likely to spread the virus. Which is probably wrong anyway, given how it's spreading already.
  8. 70s UK hit Step By Step still sounds as good today as it did in my youth. RIP Joe
  9. I'm not well placed to judge, as I haven't been to an event for eon's. However, time catches up with everyone and therefore I wouldn't expect much from the majority of attendees anyway. To be honest clips you see online indicate lots of people trying hard and enjoying themselves, but not a great visual treat for others. Not tarring all with this brush, but I'm sure it is the majority at most events.
  10. Now I know why I was a Summer Fisherman
  11. I hope for your sake you're right Steve, but as a gambler I wouldn't take short odds on it. Our next door neighbours are from South Africa and went back for the first time in 3 years last week. Due back next week, but won't be rushing to see them.
  12. Older than he looks!!!
  13. I agree, I can fully understand wanting to be able to play a sound whenever I want. But for me a CD or reissue which are often options and having a very nice holiday wins every time. Especially as knowing me I'd sit on it and bust it anyway!!! However, I fully respect it is an individual choice which is what makes it all interesting.
  14. Tai-pan, true and then the North brought in quality tunes like Joe90!!!! So are you supporting the original question from the thread? Tongue in cheek
  15. Hi Phil, I'd say we're both Soul fans then, which is all i've ever considered myself. Neil
  16. Totally agree. As a fellow Southerner, I would advise its not worth trying to work it out. Just remember it is a broad church including a wide congregation of DJs and punters with strong views and wide selection of tunes, some of which, based upon your posts, you will love, some you will hate. Which is pretty much the view of all those who have tried to explain the strange world of northern soul. A term they are very protective of.
  17. He's got it wrong Ed, the stronger the better
  18. A true master songwriter. I don't buy much these days but this is a given
  19. Spot on Chalky, it's what's in the grooves that counts.
  20. Some will still have the means, but there will potentially be less bidders.
  21. I'ts easy to say but I'd hope I'd try and do some good instead if I had that sort of spare cash. At least with a picasso I could sit and look at it but some little boring square, it's beyond my comprehension.
  22. What I would love to know is a rough consensus as to how many copies, presumably pressed and not destroyed = rare?
  23. Hi Steve, I 'd say your a soul fan who likes to buy vinyl. Which I was if the price was right, though over time collecting became less of an obsession. Though at that point I was going to concerts very regularly as seeing some of my faves live has given me more pleasure than collecting. Whereas now I like to hunt out new sounds, to me, online and listen to my collection on random selection as I hear things I never would do if I was just playing from off the shelves as I would always ignore certain tracks, for whatever strange reason. Then now and then go back to large number of tracks I never lose my love for on vinyl.

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