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Everything posted by Soulman58

  1. Spent some good nights at the Old Trout including the Ronnie McNeir gig. Also remember GC Cameron there.
  2. The above seems to sum up the matter nicely. There are some who want a good night out and that includes music which jogs their memory banks and they do not care whether the music is OVO, bootlegs or from a CD.. There are another group striving to listen to the next big sound. In the words of Faith Hope and Charity "To Each His Own" is what I say, as there are more important things to worry about. As in, have the punters had a good time?
  3. Fair play to them if they can do it still. Having said that never been a big fan of acrobatics, other than spinning, don't know why it just never seemed to go with the msuic. Basil from Reading way was a top spinner circa 75.
  4. Memorable seen - Bobby Womack - Hammersmith; Betty Wright - Wigan, Sam Dees - Jazz Cafe, Terry Callier - Jazz Cafe, Chi-Lites - Reading Top Rank, Funkadelic - Hammersmith (too mad for words), Gladys Knight - Hammersmith, Stevie Womder - Wembley, G.C. Cameron - Old Trout Windsor Loved to have seen - Sam , Dells, and original Temptations
  5. Many moons ago whilst browsing through boxes and chatting to others someone said he never went to concerts as the live sound is never as good as the record. Whilst in many cases I think this is true the experience when it isn't blows the argument out of the water. Do you have examples of where a tune at a concert made you reassess it, can be positive or negative. One positive for me was Strangers In The Dark Corner by Johnny Bristol.
  6. Tim, I don;t disgaree I stopped attending venues ages ago, though stil go to odd gigs, just trying to get a feel for the current scene.
  7. I think that anyone who attempted to find out ended up walking around a padded cell talking to themselves.
  8. Hi Chalky, Many apols.
  9. Dave, My take is that the disco scene in the states started at around the tme George McCrae's Rock You Baby was released to a sound onwards and towards the end of the 70s UK pop jumped onto the bandwagon, much of which had no or little soulful content. You therefore had many commercial clubs playing classic soul/disco tracks alongside many mainstraeam pop/dance records. Whilst in the more specialist soul clubs soul/dance sounds and jazz/funk were played side by side. In the same way that Northern suffered as Wigan became too commercial, ie egos kick in and to a degree the bucks counted more than the sounds, southern all dayers/weekenders started to suffer due to the atmosphere becoming more important that the sounds being played and some more poppy disco sounds crept in. So it all comes down to whether Disco is only ever seen as the poppier side or whether Disco can incvlude top notch soul/jazz/funk sounds and further down the line garage/house etc. As someone else said earlier Wigan claimed to be the greatest disco in thw world.
  10. Now is the hard part. Turn it on yourself and pick pwn dobblegangers, Mine are Curly Watts and John Major, according to some some called friends!!
  11. I think GeordieJ summed it up wel. IMHO there is soulful disco, relevant to this site, as there is soulful Northern (and lots that isn't) dtto most other music types including Jazz note Pete S and it definitely didn't end at the start of the 70s.Chalky! I appreciate that not all NS fans are what I would class as Soul lovers in all of it's guises. Top disco track Ten Per Cent - Double Exposure
  12. Shades of Green - Camberly
  13. In the words of Faith Hope & Charity "To each his own", as one man's cool dude is another's look at the state of that.
  14. Stopping going to events just seemed to happen. Stopping buying vinyl followed on but very much later. The one thing I cannot seem to get too is selling the collection, have started to copy from vinyl to electronic but still not convinced that will do the trick. You learn to survive but it is not the same!
  15. My bedroom 1974, then Shades of Green - Camberley.
  16. Happy - Andi Peters sorry I mean Willian Bell. Once they get the hangof it move into Epitome of Sould then Ray Pollard the Drifter.
  17. No 8. Pseudo soul fans. More worried about the rarity, writer, label,issue number than what's in the grooves.
  18. Would a track like 'Let's Start Over' by Miles Jaye get played at Modern venues these days? Or is it just the wrong style?
  19. In no particular order, acts that have stirred my love for all things soulful at live events. Four Tops/Detroit Spinners - Hammersmioth Odeon Sam Dees/Johhny Bristol - Jazz Cafe Bobby Womack - Hammersmith Odeon Terry Callier - Jazz Cafe Betty Wright - Wigan Phyllis Hyman - Dominion Theatre Mille Jackson - Hammersmith Odeon Otis Clay - Town & Country Club Gladys Knight - Hammersmith Odeon
  20. An interesting read through the posts, but it all comes to Supply and Demand, always will, always has. And the punters make their choice for whatever reason. Neil
  21. Hi Log in to Gemm.com do a search under the title. Luther Vandross - Masters At Work Are You Using Me - The Classic Indemand Masters At Work Mix (12") Info... Label: VIRGIN PROMO Made In: c Media: 12" Condition: M- Release: ? Description: 1 Seller: CRAZYBEATR Rating: From: united kingdom $29.66 Vandross,Luther Are+You+Using+Me? (12") Info... Click For All Matches: (4 Items From 3 Sellers, $6.78-$45.00)-->> Label: EMI Made In: ? Media: 12" Condition: GENERIC/NM Release: ? Description: Promotional Vinyl on playing side is like new. Non playing side has some colour variation from manuf... Seller: WERKZVINYL Rating: From: united kingdom Payment Guaranteed $6.78 Regards Neil

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