Yes Peeps Friday 26th The Masonic Hall in Macclesfield will be Hot once again. Only the one event this year so lets go out with a Bang . The usual Residents Djs Ashley Tony & Mopsey plus 2 Fantastic Guests Djs Nige Brown and Sean Chapman will definitely have the place rocking . Lots of Great feedback so get there early we kick off 7.30 , safe journey .
Sorry it's late i got locked out of my account !!!
Awesome Night at Eggboro everyone was up for it. Big thanks to Rich and Julie for the invite to spin a few records, it was like the old days the place was a packer , proper Soul friends up got a good time after not seeing each other over 2yrs . Richard and Ashley played for everyone's taste and the Soulies wasn't disappointed they was up for it big time . Definitely will be back , fabulous Soul Night that no one should miss , bring on next year . Mopsey
Just over a week to go and i'll be on the decks with me twin Foxy and all the Residents
it's gonna be a hot night .
See all you Guys and Gals there