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  • Birthday 24/09/1952

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    tony micheals i love the life i live

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  1. Ok Peeps hope everyone keeping fine after a Fabulous weekend. Right where do I start. Saturday afternoon got train from Sheffield to Tamworth to meet up with "I no the way" David Wilkins(James Hunt) and Mick Sly ( Wrong way Satnav) honestly was pissing mesen for the 30mins drive, them 2 together are flipping crackers . Anyway got to Club and I said who's that Dude waving his hands all over the place , it was only Car Park Attended Gary Belcher , from that moment I knew it was gonna be a Top Night lolol. Got inside and what a big surprise, smashing hall , lovely dance floor , nice stage and Bar at the side . I did no there would be a few friends there because they had messaged me in the week to say they wouldn't miss it . The Night was Brilliant, all the Resident Djs and Dave Wilkins played some Awesome toons to keep everyone happy. Great to meet up at last with a few FB Friends and some who have watch the live streams in the SoulTwins Group etc . Many thanks for the nice comments after my spot , I really enjoyed it and Definitely will be back in January 2026. Massive thanks to Gary Belcher for the invite to play at the 27th Anniversary it was special to me also to say it was my first time there . Was great to meet up again with my SoulBrother George Jud Foster after 7/8years and what can I say about me Sweetheart Jayne Gough coming to see me , I'm her Sexy ToyBoy made my night . Thanks Everyone for making me feel so Welcome ,also gotta say what a Fabulous Friendly Soul Club you've got there . Mopsey
  2. Ok People Happy New Year Everyone. Coming up this Friday January 24th it's Hazel Grove 1st Anniversary. Our Special Guest Dj none other than Ged Beggs the Duke Of Crewe and Promoter off The Box Sunday sessions at the Cosey Club Haslington , and with Hazel Grove Residents Shaun Callon Dean Foxy Fox and Mopsey You no You're in for a good night . Hope to see a good few regulars dropping in for a Brilliant Time . We kick off at 7pm . ( Spot Times ) 7.00 Mopsey 8.00 Foxy 8.45 Shaun 9.30 Ged Beggs 10.30 Mopsey 11.00 Foxy 11.30 Shaun See you Guy's&Gal's Later Mopsey. 🎛🎙
  3. Ok Peeps looking forward to my 2nd visit to The Mead Hall George Hotel for their Soul Night . I had a Fabulous time last year and always said I'd be back . Smashing little Club excellent dance floor and nice bar . Be good to spend time again with the Soul Brew djs Marc Carl Stuart and Steve , the decks will be on Fire . Hope to see a good few Friends in having a great time . Big thanks to Kathryn Magson for the invite much appreciated. Mopsey
  4. Ok Peeps this Friday 26th Jan our first Soul Night at Hazel Grove. The feedback as been Brilliant so it's looking good for a Fabulous first night. Residents MMopseyFoxy & Shaun Callon with guest Ian Wills will have something for everybody to have a good time Event time 7:00/12:00 £5 on the door . Hope to see a good few clocking in Mopsey ..
  5. Ok People !!! Most of you should know by now that this will be the Last Soul Night at Macclesfield Masonic Hall. I always said I'd only take it on till November. The 7yrs have been Awesome with Fabulous Soulies and Fantastic Guests djs that's done the business over the years to keep everyone happy. Anyway it's been a Pleasure and Honour to have been apart of the Soul Club for 7 years , I must have known 90% of the Guy's&Gal's that's attended from day one. Will miss the place and the Fabulous Staff, but like they say life goes on . The Djs for the last one will be the Residents Mopsey Ashley & Foxy, we wanna go out in style . Hope to see you all there and remember it's the start of Tracy Stewart 60th Birthday Party weekend , so we got a Big night of Celebrating to do .. Best Wishes Mopsey
  6. Sorry Everyone Dick Krop can't make it , he's got Family Arrangement. Ozz Osborne as kindly stepped in to do his spot . Still gonna be a cracking Soul Night .. (Spot Times) 7.30 Shaun Callon 8.30 Foxy 9.15 Mopsey 10.00 David Hawksworth (Hawkeye) 11.00 Ozz Osborne 12.00 Foxy 12.30 Mopsey See ya later Mopsey
  7. Ok Peeps the next Macclesfield Soul Night Friday 15th September . This Month we've got 3 Fabulous Guests to keep everyone happy. (Residents). Mopsey and Foxy (Guests) Shaun Callon Dave Hawkeye Hawksworth Dick Krop. Looking forward to a Fabulous Night and seeing everyone back at Macclesfield. Mopsey 🎙
  8. Only a few hrs now before Bassetlaw Soul Club kicks off it's gonna be a very hot night . Catch ya later Peeps . Mopsey
  9. Ok Peeps 4 weeks to go for the next Soul Night at the Macclesfield Masonic Hall . (Residents) Mopsey & Foxy (Guess Djs) Big Ron Liz Brown Ged Beggs Another Hot Night to look forward to... 🎙
  10. See you all later . Looking forward to a great time . Mopsey
  11. Ok Peeps 1 day to go for the next Macclesfield Soul Night, its gonna be a Cracker from the start to finish don't miss it . The feedback about the Club as been great. Got loads saying they looking Forward to a Good Hot Sweaty night , and that's definitely what its gonna be... Residents Mopsey & Foxy Guess Djs Paul Fradders Fradley Graeme William Hassall Richard Free . Get there early the doors will be open at 7.00... 🎙
  12. This is gonna be the Best Soul Night 2023 and on it's way to a sell out just like last year . Don't hang around Peeps the tickets are selling out fast . Looking forward to seeing everyone and hearing all them Golden Torch Monsters on the Decks .. Mopsey
  13. Our 2nd Soul Night this year and it's looking like it's gonna be a Cracker . The feedback as been very good . Guess Djs this month Liz Brown and Pete Eccles , both will definitely get the temperature to rise in Macclesfield Masonic Hall . Don't miss this night people it's gonna be Brilliant... Mopsey..
  14. Looking like it's gonna be a packer and all for a good cause. See all you Peeps there . Mopsey ...
  15. Really looking Forward to seeing you Guy's&Gal's again and wrecking them Decks . First time at your new Club so Mr M is up for a Brilliant Night . Mopsey ...

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