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Winnie :-)

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Everything posted by Winnie :-)

  1. =========== Joseph Webster, awesome!!
  2. ========== Hi Boots, Wasn't talking about you on this occasion, but now you mention it, I do have fond memories of that night It made me make the transition from northern to modern Winnie:-)
  3. =========== Caz's fella is 'tall Paul', and he won't mind that you think she's a good dancer and neither will Caz ::--)) Have you ever seen her go into a drop sequence? Splits and everything. Personally if I could still drop, I would, but father time has decreed it's not to be, and if I were a member I'm sure BUPA would agree with him
  4. ========== But you can't dance
  5. ========= yeah I've seen it.....it is rather jolly isn't it
  6. =========== Does cause a bit of a problem space wise when you plonk that pole in the floor though. You're much better when using your spacial awareness technique of one on one lap dancing
  7. ====== Col, you need to have Karen Crane on hand, she carries a defibrilator in her handbag......least she told me it was a defibrilator, I might have misheard
  8. ============= Ta, but struggle to pass water at my age :-)
  9. ====== Aretha/Marvin Gaye
  10. ============= Could name so many that I 'have' to dance to.....suppose Toby Legend comes to mind cos of the lyrics, the emotion etc. Currently love Coco and Ben..... a modernish sound, which I find completely irresistable ;-) Winnie:-)
  11. ========= This really made me giggle, excellent ;-)
  12. =========== Used to like hearing Jimmy Cobb at the Ritz
  13. ========= Marlena Shaw is the Willington ender as I recall
  14. ======= Tall Paul, think he's from the Manchester/bolton........yeah he's from up North ;-)
  15. ======== what an excellent post!
  16. ========== Really enjoyed the thread, even though taking part in it jeapordised my bollox rating on SSCDT Amazed that Toby Legend didn't win it myself, but would happily go along with Jerry Williams ;-) Winnie:-)
  17. ========= Don't think many would say that Chalks. I can't ever remember anyone saying they got into northern due to the boom in 75 Winnie:-)
  18. ======== Knew what you meant mate :-)
  19. =========== Yeah that's a good point, we all came in somewhere, and knew nothing, but we've also stayed, even those of us who had a break. Maybe that's the point which needs proving, that the latest influx will stay the course. I'm not saying that they won't, but those who treated northern as a fad during the 70Ts, moved onto Punk when that became popular. I suppose we don't want to see the same thing again Hindsight eh.....it's a wonderful thing Winnie:-)
  20. ============= You're right Paul, however people get into the scene is ok by most of us. But we (older/wrinkly/crinkly types) are protective, cos the scene got mass publicity once before, and that created the politics that are still rife within the scene today. Wigan was once voted best disco in the world, hardly underground qualifications I'm guessing most don't want to see it go the same way again. Consequently we can be blinkered, which isn't a good thing, but it keeps us cocooned and safe. There's an old adage, no one likes change, but for the sake of the scene we must move forward, it's just that no one has come up with the ideal way, that most of us elderly bus pass types can accept
  21. ============ By genuine I meant on the scene for the music. I have noticed over the last few years that there are people on this scene who have no interest in the music, and are there to use it as a singles club. Won't go into it now, as it would take the thread away from it's original path. Winnie:-)
  22. ========== Or opened a can of felix Miaoooow
  23. =========== totally agree with you Andy, think it's actually had very little effect at all. There's not been hoardes of screaming youngsters appearing demanding Bobby Garrett, or Bob Brady etc. The tunes may have pricked the memories of some people who used to be into it, and hadn't realised there was still a scene going on. Don't think that's a bad thing:-) Personally I think we sometimes disappear up our own arses with this, keep the scene pure thing.....it's a music scene.....it's there to be enjoyed.....there are no rules for who can and can't be part of it. It would be interesting to know how ex-wheelies viewed the Casino opening, and it's subsequent influence on the scene. ie; bringing in loads of new soulies. Everyone discovers different things in different ways. Some have said they came in via the scooter scene in the early 80Ts......didn't quadrophenia spark the resurgance in Mods around that time? The point I'm making is that anybody and everybody is and should be accepted, providing they're genuine Winnie:-)
  24. ========== Really enjoyed your set chris

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