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Winnie :-)

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Everything posted by Winnie :-)

  1. ======= But do they have a dancefloor, and is it wood?
  2. ======== No disrespect Andy, but unless you've been to every northern room in the country, you can't make that statement Winnie ;-)
  3. ======== says the 4 a.m. doormouse :-)
  4. ======= Think the band was Taste
  5. ====== She's deffo got a 'blanche' look going on........ Ken Barlow
  6. ========= She looks like a bush baby
  7. ======= Simon's from Brighton mate. Haven't seen him about for ages either come to think of it Winnie:-)
  8. ========= Was also played by Arthur Fenn on Saturday.....excellent record
  9. ======== Don't know how you do it Karen
  10. ====== excellent bounebackability there Jamie
  11. ======= Gareth, You started your post with...... --------- I think Steve G raises a quite fundamental point about deejays being either 'leaders' or 'followers'. From the majority of playlists I see these days it can be surmised that the majority of jocks at both local soul nights and quite major allnighters are quite content to be the former. The number of innovators can be counted on the fingers of one hand. ---------------- As the two options were 'leaders' and 'followers, I took it when you said former, that you were saying 'leaders'. That is how it reads I think. I don't believe there are leaders and followers on the scene, because that is clearly going down the road of in house politics, something the scene has suffered from since the year dot. If one faction of the scene wants to put itself to the fore, ie: the DJs, then the scene will once again disappear up it's own ar*e I'm afraid. From a dancers perspective, I don't need to be educated, and whether you say educated or spreading knowledge they basically mean the same thing. Because a DJ is playing a new sound, it DOESN'T necessarily mean it's a good record. It usually means that the DJ thinks its good....but we all have different tastes....thankfully, and all have our own minds. I am not duty bound to accept a new sound simply cos it's new, I will accept a new sound in my own mind if I also think it's good. I would like to think I understand the ethic of the scene, but if you say I don't then maybe I should just tug my forelock and accept your view, that you've based on my two posts on the subject. I do know some of the "Inovators" as you call them, on the scene, and they are approachable, so much so, that if they play something new and I don't like it, I feel I can say it to them. Neither of us are right or wrong, because as I mentioned earlier, we think for ourselves. But to me that has also been part of the scene since the year dot. From a dancers perspective, if I don't like a record, then I won't dance to it......if you're gonna keep championing it, and play it every time you're out etc, it's not really gonna change my mind. You cannot make a record good to someone else simply by playing it frequently. But perhaps the impatience you accuse some customers of I have never suggested that we (dancers) don't owe a debt of gratitude to the DJs and collectors who find and play records old and new, but perhaps rather naively I think that it cuts both ways. Cos if we don't dance, what are you left with? Dancers/customers may not have the collections, but they do know what they like, and to down class them, is IMO both foolish and rude. It is basically a dance scene, one which we all want to enjoy in our own way, why not leave it like that, and forget about point scoring. Winnie:-)
  12. ========== Have I read this right? DJs are the leaders on the scene? Is that how they see themselves as innovators, and teachers? So those of us who dance are in fact paying homage to them......Christ, if any of the DJ's have really put themselves on that pedestal, then they'd best have another look at themselves. Winnie:-)
  13. ========= SS has 2000 members, if only a 100 vote would you say it was representative of an overall view? Personally I would think the other 1900 don't really care. Just an opinion. Winnie:-)
  14. ========== I think Pete's got this pretty much right. The majority of the scene is made up of dancers and socialisers. Stand back one night and look how many people go up to the DJ to look at what's being played. It's minimal. Yes there are collectors who have paid big bucks for records, but they are few and far between, and can't be everywhere on the same night. So that could leave you in a position, of playing underplayed oldies, (from an originals only point of view) cos the current flavour of the month DJ isn't available. Don't the promoters have a duty to the punters first and foremost? I accept that there are some oldies that could do with reactivating, but there is another reason some of them are underplayed....they're not very good. What would be the percentage for people walking off a dancefloor cos something being played wasn't an original? I would guess, very low, lets face it it's two separate breeds in general. The collectors want original vinyl, because they see that as the one true faith. The dancers/punters, couldn't care less. Winnie:-)
  15. ========= Thing is Del, these days IMO theres only a handful who drop and still look good, Sammy, Carl, Andy H, Keb for example, but when you go along to a local soul night, and some 20 stone monster wants to relive his youth............... Winnie:-)
  16. ======== Used to be a venue in Bedford ran by Danny and Frank, "The Dujon" that used to have mirrors on the pillars. It was quite funny, now you see yourself, now you don't. Think I've been to that on the rocks, does it have a sparkly dancefloor? Winnie:-)
  17. ========== I've got both avatars running at the same time
  18. ===== give it a couple more years
  19. =========== Sounds like a dowry to me, you've just become someones beeiiitch
  20. ======= I think she's got a pretty good voice, and enjoyed listening to the first album, but think she is current, and I'm not sure she could do justice to any northern sounds. Winnie:-)
  21. =============== Most of the people I chat to, when dancing does come up, would probably say it's time to lose the acrobatics. Personally if I was still able to do them a) gracefully without injuring myself I would, but I can't. I think spinning is still allowed, and providing it's done at the right time (appropriate break) looks fine. As other comments further on in this thread have mentioned the footwork is paramount IMO, which is why in general I think girls are far better dancers than boys. They seem to feel the music better, and of course are usually more graceful than the male of the species. I could name 5 girl dancers straight off who really cut the mustard on the floor, whereas with guys I don't think it's that easy. I've seen many good droppers and good spinners, but normally they struggle to keep with the beat of a record, cos there whole routine is geared around the spin, or the acrobatics. Somebody else said, it's about actually dancing to the record playing, and I've seen a few people dancing to Ruby Andrews who were clearly hearing cochise in their heads Winnie:-)
  22. ========== Just don't start throwing your knickers at me Winnie:-)
  23. ========= Why? did he have big boots?

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