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Winnie :-)

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Everything posted by Winnie :-)

  1. ======== The snowman White christmas . . . . . . bored now
  2. ======== Barbara Lynn?
  3. ======== Got to say, I've seen worse, and at least he gives it a go Winnie:-)
  4. ========== Think you'll still look better with a fringe I'll be 68 and still be dancing, hopefully won't need 4 or 5 shirts a venue then :-) Might need a spare pair of inconsistent pants Rev Spooner:-)
  5. ======= Hope that's an original 45 and one that's not covered up
  6. ====== Might be at Bisley, just working some stuff out, haven't missed a Plinston yet, so would guess I'll be there Hook
  7. ======== Was extolling my own chav like qualities......love your motor by the way Winnie:-) P.S. Can anybody download either a bling smiley, or a burberry one, if such emoticons exist.....now they would be fun
  8. ======== I have a mate who describes his own dancing like that of a wounded gnu
  9. ======== I'm a chav, cos.... I found my thrills, On burberry hills
  10. ======== It makes a change for a man to notice Neil, but I've always said you're well in touch with your feminine side
  11. ========== Not a crime to defend your mates, but you made an unfounded accusation, which personally I thought was a bit off......and I don't know the original poster either, so wasn't defending any mates for my part. Thanks for providing a name, and apologies for my aggressive post. Winnie:-)
  12. ======= Nah, can't really see this one going very far, "Dodgy", or whatever his pseudonym is can't even tell us his real name. Attacks under an alias...........what a guy! Where's that grey wanker smiley when you need it? Never mind I'll have to make do with the normal one Winnie:-)
  13. ======= No profile info on you either, so basically you could be anybody. Think you should apologise you ignorant tw*t!! Winnie:-)
  14. ======== Totally agree with Neil here, the most annoying thing in the world, someone with talc just for show Winnie:-)
  15. =========== I think you should re-read Kate's post Ged.....the first line is "Is it just me, or are some "promoters" just on the scene to get their hands on our money"? Using the word SOME indicates that she is NOT tarring all with the same brush. You also respond using the word "Some" in your reply, I take it that means you're diffentiating between promoters....or are you tarring all with the same brush? Winnie:-)
  16. ======= What I can never quite understand is why people who prefer oldies like myself, have to constantly defend our music selection from those who don't. Has there ever been a post that says..... Oldies are the one and only way forward, and those that like newies need re-educating. I doubt that there has, cos most of us who like oldies, get on with our lives, go to venues, dance and enjoy ourselves Most of the criticism, seems to emanate from those promoting newie venues. It's just my perception, and isn't intended to offend. Winnie:-)
  17. ======= Think I read it wrong, thought it was first thing at night....so agree with you about mello souls. No still don't drink, was thinking of others who make for the bar rather than the floor Best say here and now, the above is aimed at no one in particular, just a generalisation on my part
  18. ======= There's a car loan advert that uses sweetest feeling as background music.
  19. =========== Would be an absolute waste of a great record, as right at the beginning of the night, the first priority of most is to get a beer
  20. Winnie :-)


    ======== How come Shakin Stevens hasn't had anything on the R&B circuit yet, he meets the criteria musically Ali X
  21. Winnie :-)


    ========== Winnie you've changed your tune, I thought you despised R&B, particularly that "third window song is shite" by Dean Barlow. And I just know you like quite a lot of modern Ali x
  22. ========= I have complete respect for the 'chin strokers' as it were. I've never dissed them in any way, cos they enjoy their chosen aspect of the scene, but the constant right or wrong posts imply, to me any way, that the chin stroker way is the one true faith. All I'm trying to say, and echoing your sentiments Stu, the scene is diverse, and always will be, can it not just be left at that? Recently there have been should it be played threads, worst venue you've attended threads, original vinyl only threads....I tend to see them as negative. The old adage ....if it aint broke, springs to mind. I know some would argue that it is broken, that we are not allowing new sounds to surface and to be played, but if the tracks are good enough, they will get recognition. In my view too many average tracks are being promoted by some venues, not remotely resembling trad sounding northern, and as an audience we are being expected to accept them. We (dancers) may not stroke our chins, and it's true to say we are matrix number blind in general, but we do know what moves us. As said somewhere else, each to their own
  23. This site seems to permanently debate the rights and wrongs of original vinyl.......IT'S A DANCE SCENE, TO BE ENJOYED!! Let's take it a step further, from now on, those attending specific venues, must have ID cards, promising that they only listen to original vinyl. They must promise to walk off the floor at a given signal, from the 'vinyl checker' and hurrumph as one in disgust. I would also like it made clear that from this moment forth, only those who can actually dance in time should be allowed on the dance floor, furthermore, if they are not producing original traditional northern steps, then the 'dance checker', will have the right to produce the red card. Those red carded will be allowed one more attempt at 'correctness', but if they fail, will be ejected from the venue. And could the 'clothes monitor' also make sure that spencers worn are originals, and not made by some fly by night money maker, cashing in. Winnie:-)

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