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Winnie :-)

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Everything posted by Winnie :-)

  1. ======= I thought she only promoted Janine mememememe :-)
  2. ======= Oi shut it 'matalan Mary'
  3. ========= The scene is about music not clothing. If a youngster says something like "I can't come here again, he's got baggy trousers on, and what's with the beer towel" then I really don't think said youngster is 'getting' it, and good riddance. If he/she says this music is fantastic and it really moves me, then this person is someone to be cultivated, cos he/she will adapt and get over petty things like what someone is wearing Winnie:-)
  4. ======== I know this debate has raged over and over again, but in Britain, oldies probably rule for the vast majority, which means that the DJs being booked, must be prepared to cater for that. Promotions abroad would have a much free'r rein because they wouldn't be plagued by people who attended the casino, mecca, wheel, stafford etc and still hold allegiances, and want to hear memories. So a newer fresher approach is possible and embraced because whilst the soulies in these countries are aware of the history and the legendary venues, they've never experienced them. And to me that is the key, when you have, it leaves an indelible mark, a time of your life when everything was fantastic, consequently a lot of us want to experience it again. I know the scene has always attempted to be a progressive one, and I applaud it for that stance, but to be constantly knocked for preferring oldies is disheartening to say the least. Personally I don't want to read posts saying, you dress comically, or you're stuck in a time warp, anybody who takes that route does so because they want to, it's how they enjoy the scene, and that is their right. The scene is there to be enjoyed, just how you/me/anybody does that is down to the individual :-) Winnie:)
  5. ========= Now it all becomes clear
  6. ========== Chalks, Lets get some perspective on this, isn't this whole thread about telling people how it should be. The punters should/shouldn't wear bags etc. The punters should/shouldn't be prepared to listen to newies/oldies. The whole thread revolves around rules, and what rebellious 18 year old wants to abide by them? People find and make their way on the scene, cos it's in them. IMO no amount of promotion is going to lure youngsters away from what we would consider the norm, they're young, they want to have a beer, find a girl/boy, whatever, floats their boat in effect. I would think the vast majority of youngsters frequenting normal clubs, have absolutely no interest in what's being played as such, they just want to enjoy themselves......and quite rightly so. Winnie;-)
  7. ======== Don't you think though, that if you went back and visited in 10 years time, someone would be saying, they never used to play this at the Oslo Mecca. Not trying to be flippant, but surely it's only a matter of time before their scene reflects our own. Winnie:-)
  8. ========== Not sure what you mean by blinkered by the year or the quality. I may have read your post wrong, but it reads that they're not bothered by either?? Could it be that the politics don't play much of a part because a) It's a very small scene? They don't have the plethora of venues to choose from each week? Winnie:-)
  9. ======= Dave, If the point of the post was to promote forward thinking, then that's what it should stick to. To either generalise or sensationalise a post by writing something like "a old fat crinkly spiking their drink and getting raped", is just colouring the real issue, and in my view offensive. If you/I anybody writes something we're responsible for it surely. It's all about wording, and this forum is open to the public to read...personally I don't want to be associated with James's tag, do you? James's age by the way, has nothing to do with it, I mentioned it, because it was the easiest way to illustrate how easily offence can be caused. Winnie:-)
  10. =========== This isn't aimed at you Rach, cos I can't remember if you do or don't use talc. Just chose your post to make the point It would also be nice if people didn't wantonly throw talc all over the floor, not ALL of us use it Winnie:-)
  11. ======= James, I was trying to put across that using the term "Fat old crinkly" is offensive, because it seemed to be your generalisation. Of course I WASN'T in the right to call you an "very offensive boy", and of course you should have your own opinions and voice them, I was illustrating how easy it is to write something and cause offence. For the record, I think you're an ok guy, but IMO sometimes when you're writing something you need to look at your wording. Soz if I caused offence. Winnie:)
  12. =========== I think your last paragraph is way over the top, and your description ..... "A fat old crinkly" indicative of how YOU see people on the northern scene. No one is denying that it is potentially dangerous to leave a drink unattended these days, but to just site 20 year old girls as being possibly in danger is as stupid as just siting "Fat old crinklys". Do you not realise that if we attract 20 year old men to northern do's then the instances of drink spiking would go up. I'm not saying that ALL youngsters are potential rapists, because that would mirror, what seems to be your mentality, but date rape drugs are far more prevalent in clubs frequented mainly by the young. I would agree that the scene is more social now, than it has ever been, but have you ever considered that that, may be its natural progression. I really think you need to take a step back James, and take stock of yourself and the things you say, you're a very offensive boy, who tries to belittle the northern scene at every opportunity. Winnie:-)
  13. ========== Think you're probably right Mikey, Bri deffo has a touch of the Freddie Kreugers about him
  14. ======== Hiya Gina, hows things. Think the small girl with a tartan dress may have been suzi from Scotland Winnie:-)
  15. ======== A real 'purty' piglet, and a few of my cousins sittin in a tree, belting out 'dueling banjos' on their fiddles......YEEEEEHAWWWW Squint Eastwood 1V
  16. ======= Yep that's Heike.....excellent dancer
  17. ======== Have to agree with Trif, Panch is one of the few guys I enjoy watching dance. Winnie:-)
  18. ======= Best girl spinners......Caz McCarthy, Suzi from Scotland, Carol from (can't remember where...Lincoln area? Chantelle....Bedford, all great dancers
  19. ======= Not sure I'd put them on a par myself Billy
  20. ========= Interesting topic.....personally, probably within the next couple of years. Well that's how I feel today, but who knows what tomorrow will bring;) Winnie:-)
  21. ======= I know you don't go out much, but the play is worth seeing. Did bring a lump to my throat (not a prison love kinda lump) and bring back some memories Winnie:-)
  22. ============ Yep pretty much agree with Mikey on this. Nothing is ever perfect for everyone, but it is a useful and fairly entertaining publication IMO Winnie:)
  23. ========= Do you not do theatres? Went to see it last year, not totally accurate, but then what is. Well worth seeing in my opinion, reasonably humerous, and well acted. Winnie:-) P.S. Aren't my reviews short these days
  24. ======= Think somebody said, we'll never all be united on any one record :-) What about Mull of Kintyre? Nice mid-tempo sort of sound, with a classic bag-pipe instrumental break, ideal for sword dancing. Winnie:-)
  25. ========= Walk in my shoes......can't see how anybody doesn't like this! Winnie:-)

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