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Winnie :-)

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Everything posted by Winnie :-)

  1. =========== That's sooooo Lancastrianist Winnie:-)
  2. Not able to reply directly to your post, not sure why perhaps Mike can sort it? ========= For the grammar buffs, and for my own future reference, should there be an apostrophe in the word Do's. Not even sure if it's technically a word. Winnie:-) No there should not Win.... grammatical explanation follows: NOUN-A "function" NORTHERN SLANG VERSION OF AFORE-MENTIONED NOUN- A "do" PLURAL OF AFORE-MENTIONED NOUN- "DOS" (1 or more funtions in Northernesque type slang) "Do's" with an appostrophe would imply belonging to "Do" (for example Win's talcum powder,or Win's sense of humour )....Hope this is of assistance.....if any further lessons in English grammar are required may I suggest the (slightly amusing) book on the subject entitled "Eats shoots & leaves" (pic to follow) French x ============ Will henceforth write dos with impunity, and quote your post as my point of reference if questioned As a reward you can borrow my talc next time I see you, and if the floor is a little fast, I'll even let you dip your feet in my red-bull Winnie:-)
  3. ========= You obviously remember what I'm like at NS do's then Mike For the grammar buffs, and for my own future reference, should there be an apostrophe in the word Do's. Not even sure if it's technically a word. Winnie:-)
  4. ============ The thread I was referring to was a couple of weeks ago I think. And it asked what one record would you play to someone just coming into the N/S scene to explain it. Personally I agree with you, no one record can describe N/S adequately, because it has so many flavours. But people did try to answer it, and the one very noticable thing was that the vast majority of answers were what would be considered, played out oldies. I found it interesting considering the amount of oldies/newies/rare/not so rare debates on here. What it seemed to say to me was, that the older records were what N/S was really about. Granted there has to be new additions to playlists to keep the scene fresh, but the only one that got a mention (as I can remember) in the playing it to a newcomer was mello souls. Personally I think Mello souls would have graced any era and is a traditional sounding northern record, so no great change from playing a newcomer an oldie Winnie;-)
  5. =========== Yes there were rarities in the 70Ts, but essentially they were also records that stood up on their own merits. Course there were a lot more records to discover at that time, which would logically mean the quality wouldn't have to drop. Nowadays.....well, maybe that's not the case. Just a thought Winnie;-)
  6. ================ I should have said traditional Northern Soul. Most have an idea of what it sounds like, for instance the mello souls would fit nicely into any era, and I would guess be accepted by all. Dotty and Milly on the other hand (personal dislike) in my view doesn't. I'm not opposed to new sounds being played, or great old ones being re-activated, and IMO the Dome did a really good job at that. But I do feel we are force fed sub-standard records just because of their rarity. At times to me it seems like the rarity has become more important than the quality. I know it's not a popular view amongst many active SS'rs but it's how I feel I do prefer my soul up-tempo, but do like things across the board, I just can't buy into the newies are best carte blanche. As Soul girl said, it's what moves you, and I know where my heart lies Although I do like quite a bit of modern Winnie:-)
  7. =========== I wasn't on here then, but I would have defended your absolute right to be as nauseating and as bimboesque as you wanted to be. I admire someone who speaks their mind, so fair play to you! Winnie
  8. =========== I'm aware you tell it like it is, but I'm unaware of the Nauseating Bimbo reference. Did I miss something on SS? Can't remember anybody hating you either, but then I love everyone Winnie:-)
  9. ============ I know why Pete posts the sort of thing he does.....because the scene does come across as snobbish at times, particularly from within. Some of the records mentioned in his thread have nothing to do with northern, but over the years have been force fed to the N/S community IMO because of their rarity. I don't agree with him about all his choices, but surely most can see where he' s coming from. I asked in a recent thread why, when inducting new people into the soul scene we invariably play them something up tempo, and considered an oldie. Never got a reply (as far as I can remember) but would you really play someone new "The feeling is real" to explain northern? I think the only thing Pete ever does is stand his corner, and promote his choice/style of northern, and personally I don't see anything wrong with that. Winnie:-)
  10. =========== I don't doubt you tell it as it is Karen, but if you look the x-files reference was to Steve Z who mysteriously told us "ONLY IF NEAR THE TRUTH", which I thought had a certain Moulder/Scully sort of feel to it. Winnie;-)
  11. ============= Yep, that's cleared it up I still haven't got a clue what you're on about, why am I being unfair on Pete? And what is the truth we were nearing? Winnie:-)
  12. ============ Think you've got x-file syndrome.....exactly what truth were we nearing? Winnie;-)
  13. ============ In fairness, Pete had just been warned on list. If he's not allowed to put his point of view across, he might as well close the topic IMO. Winnie:-)
  14. ========== Spent half an hour trying to wake yourself up It's the sort of record vegetarians would like Just my opinion Karen, each to their own as someone said earlier Winnie;)
  15. ============ Can't believe the topics been closed, was starting to enjoy it. I did think Pete had a point though, some of the posts were abusive towards him and all he did was answer them.....and without swearing as well. Hate "The feeling is real" and "fascinating girl", nothing to them for me. Also not keen on that 2x2 as I think it's a bit messy. Win:-)
  16. there's also Annie from bedford who never misses a beat, and Carol from Wisbech both excellent dancers winnie;-)
  17. ========== Higher and Higher and That's the way
  18. =============== Prestatyn is good, great venue, big dance-floors, but still think Cleethorpes is number 1 Winnie:-)
  19. Best wishes to Bob, and hope he continues on the road to recovery. Win:-)
  20. ============ I think this could be the answer to the low attendances.....and introducing "The spanking Karen room". Could attract a few.......
  21. ============ ........To the free-basing room with you young Lady
  22. Difficult to say whether there are more or less people on the scene nowadays, but there are definitely more venues. As said before, this means people have more choice, and don't have to travel. I have a feeling that most people are more comfortable with this, and also feel that less venues would definitely herald a downturn in numbers. Probably should have addressed this problem about 6/7 years ago, before so many decided to open up smaller venues. Seems everybody wants a piece of pie. Personally I don't mind if there are less punters at venues, you make the best of wherever you are, and of course less punters means more space, which means I can put water wherever I like without people grumbling

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