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Winnie :-)

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Everything posted by Winnie :-)

  1. ========= Is she on SS? I know a Lindsay on SS, think I met her at Stoke actually. I had my high waisters on (staying within topic guidelines) 6 button, contrasting grey waistband, and pockets, with 44" bottoms. What's really funny is that I did have a pair just like that once, they went rather well with my 'toppers'.
  2. ========= Sorry would have just left the thumbs up, but I feel so guilty if I don't type something, and fully expect a bollo*king of Shane for going off topic....... So I don't know LIndsay I think, but she'll be able to recognise me easily, I'll be the one with the beer towel. Phewww think I've got things back on topic Winnie:-)
  3. ============ No that would never happen ======= If you're in the vicinity of Stoke NYE, then your wish is my command
  4. ========= Been on a dance floor similar. Ended up almost doing the splits, and I can't almost do the splits
  5. ============= Cascade is such an evocative word. Sorry for going off topic
  6. ======= Yep that's the same Paul What's a stool cushion, is it a cushion for tired...........
  7. ========= Just find it a bit irritating, that people can't live and let live. If someone wants to wear spencers, with a beer towel attached, what's the problem? There's always one or two comments passed re: dress, then we get the old they've got to 'come into the now' quotes. We're ALL listening to music from the 6Ts and 7Ts, when we come into the now musically, perhaps the comment will have some relevance? Winnie:-)
  8. ========== As has already been said, people use them in general to wipe off sweat. Don't use one myself, have changes of t-shirt and a proper towel in my bag, but can't really see why it should cause a fuss. Here's a question from a dancers point of view, open to anyone. Why do you go to a soul do, and spend your time looking at what other people are wearing, instead of dancing?? Winnie:-)
  9. =========== We're talking about venues, and they have nothing to do with soul talk? Can't see why you feel it should be moved to free-basing, it's possible that attendances may be affected, isn't that relevant? Drinking doesn't only affect an individuals health, not if some of the other instances mentioned are brought into play. I agree smoking affects people through secondary means, but if you asked me not to smoke near you, I'd probably say ok. Do you think I'd get the same reply, if I asked a drunk to stop drinking? Very unlikely IMO, more likely to get abuse, don't you think? Winnie:)
  10. ============= Only affects the person who drinks? Ever heard of drink drivers? Crime committed whilst under the influence of drinking, rape etc? Smoking maybe bad for everyone, but it doesn't change characters! Let's try and get some perspective and not pretend that smoking is the only potentially dangerous habit! Winnie:-)
  11. =========== I think that non smokers go over the top personally, particularly those who have smoked but have since given up. I can never understand completely why people ignore the dangers of other drugs, and single out smoking as the major evil. Personally if a venue was good enough, I'd go whatever the policy re: smoking. Would drinkers do the same thing?? Winnie:-)
  12. =========== Good point Craig, totally agree with you. Nice one Mike Winnie;-) Finally an topic that isn't controversial and can't develop into a newies/oldies/pressings/ovo/youngsters/etiquette debate ............. or can it???
  13. I think what Dave and Soulgirl are getting at is that they have a right to an opinion. Because it may not be a majority view amongst ACTIVE ss posters, doesn't make it wrong. Think people really need to take into account the silent majority, who go to venues to dance. That's not to say they wouldn't like OVO played, but ultimately, dancing is more important to them/me. Sometimes the messages on here do come across rude, mainly cos the posters seem to indicate within their message that theirs is the "Difinitive" reply, and could not possibly be wrong. I'm not suggesting don't be passionate, but allow for others to feel the opposite equally as passionately! Winnie:-)
  14. ========== Quite happy for them to ban smoking (I'm a smoker) if they also ban alcohol I do think the amount of venues seems to be increasing, but IMO that is mainly because people don't want to travel. All the local promoters are doing is providing a service IMO, I agree it waters down the scene, but promotion is punter driven after all. Winnie:-)
  15. ============ Couldn't find it on Night Owl. Who wrote it, anybody know. Would probably come under category A by the way, don't overly care about the format. Do think whoever wrote it was a little harsh on the cat C's, can't believe people would collect something if they didn't like/admire it in some way. Winnie:-)
  16. ========= Have a fabulous day Win:-)
  17. ========= Soz, missed off a smiley, but realised you weren't promoting yourself as an oldies DJ, but because you just left Cookie up there I couldn't resist missing out on wordplay Winnie:-)
  18. ============ Not sure, what was the original topic? Winnie:-)
  19. =========== I tend to morph, depending on the thread I'm replying to
  20. ======= Vive la resistance
  21. =========== Thank you Mr Attenborough
  22. ======== Yep agree with the above, she's a good oldies DJ Winnie:-)
  23. =========== Only use the red bull in extreme cases. It's the holy grail of floor slower downers Winnie:-)

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