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Winnie :-)

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Everything posted by Winnie :-)

  1. Shouldn't this topic be in all about the R Soul
  2. Caught Russ trimming his nose hair in 76, so picked it up as I thought it might be an investment for the future... Not had a bid on e-bay, but did sell one of Richard's toe nails that broke off when I was bathing his feet Magdalene stylee
  3. Did they leave you the piano...
  4. You say that Tim, and I used to think similar, but I'm not so sure now. Driving round to my sons house yesterday and saw these 3 kids, probably 16/17. They were dressed awfully (in my mind) and just looked like they had no aims or directions. I immediately thought, maybe just maybe there is a chance that the youth of today could latch onto northern once again. The timing is right, high unemployment, dead end jobs (not trying to be political) maybe wanting a way to be part of something? I'm beginning to think that the film could spark a renaissance, there are younger people seen dancing all over the place on facebook, maybe the film will be the catalyst. Whether that's a good or a bad thing isn't the point I'm making, just the possibility we may face an invasion soon
  5. I'm on both, but if I came off of facebook tomorrow it wouldn't worry me, can't say the same about Soul Source. Let's be honest, in the main facebook is boring and I don't think I've ever seen so much twaddle (apart from the daily Mail) in any one place at any one time. If I get asked to play another stupid game.... If I'm looking for somewhere for us to go, I always go to soul source, if I want any info, always go to soul source, if I want to take part in a discussion, soul orientated or otherwise it's always soul source. If I want to see how many time Nigel from Chatham had a sh*t today, then I might go to facebook If I want to read how to do the KoKo, or the KTF then it's facebook, but having put my left leg in and my left leg out, I've found neither are for me ;) Soul Source still coming out on top for me
  6. There was a thread on facebook about this record, said there was only one copy, it went on to say it's being offered for sale, so unless it's your one Steve, are we to assume there is more than just the one copy? I haven't heard it by the way, is it any good, serious question.
  7. BB King is hardly an unknown, I can remember him being very influential from the very early seventies. Just had a look at his bio https://www.bbking.com/bio/ so not sure he's the best example of an artist not looking to make a hit?
  8. I've lost count of how many times I've said exactly this, and how many times it's fallen on deaf but 'elite' ears. The northern scene is basically founded on what we as an audience consider good/great soulful danceable records the fact that a lot of those tracks are rare, is a happy coincidence for us in terms of our own needs to be attached to something different, to carve our own niche, the artists performing them wouldn't for one minute be as happy, because their aim wasn't to fuel a dance scene, it was too put food on the table. I realise Joey DeLorenzo, Four Vandals, Betty Wright tribute etc aren't the best tracks ever played on the northern scene, BUT dancers like them and that's no different to back in the day when Muriel Day, Brian Hyland, and umpteen other dire records were being played. We're always banging on about retaining our ethics, how about the one that used to refer to a full dance floor.
  9. I'd say play it again, I think it's great to dance to. I know the history behind it, and I don't really care. I know some of the early posts say there are far better records that could be played, which is probably true, however it's also true that far worse records are still being played.
  10. Collectors can be a bit anal Make your own next line up
  11. Yep, merry xmas and a happy new year Mike, to you, the mods and everyone else Well that's appeased my consience
  12. Yeah, the first bit I can get, the rest of it, well, we've all got pasts, do they really need to be dredged up on soul source?
  13. What he has or hasn't done in the past is of no particular interest to me, don't think anyone's out to crucify the bloke, just to get him to write a bit less...
  14. Ali, I did say 'if the thread is all about charity then that should be the focus', if it's about something else, as in 'The Life and Times....' which I believe this one is, then it's probably in the wrong section. I think the biggest fear held by some of us, is that we're almost back in the 'Dedicated thread' realms, which as I remember was only mainly popular to the person who dedicated it to himself. As Steve G said in the last post, we all do different things for charity but don't necessarily feel the need to promote the fact. A while back Steve put up a link to an organisation (can't remember the name) that makes sure the people in London (who need it) get a hot meal, I signed up for it, do I need praise or recognition for doing so? No! What I do, where I give, I keep to myself because each and every cause that we as individuals support is important to ourselves. So I'll reiterate, more power to Sooty and Toc's elbow for the good work they're doing for cancer research, but if that's the focus of the thread, to my mind keep it as such, don't wander off into the 'self promotion' world, as for the majority (I realise some are happy with this approach) of us, it can be off putting.
  15. I don't think you do get it Toc, I was commending you for only putting up one paragraph and getting your point across. And just to make it clear (again) I'm not knocking Sooty or you for your endeavours, all I basically said was that Sooty tends to go on a bit, and always includes something about his travels/business/meeting famous people etc etc. If the main point of this thread is charity, then to me thats what's best focused on.
  16. It's nothing to do with the cause Toc, or the 'legalised begging' you've mentioned, I'm sure all of us would say the charity is admirable and would help if possible, it's about presentation. You put forward your case/comments in little over a paragraph, with a lot more background info and without constantly referring to yourself or the good things you've done or are doing. Not everything is about quantity
  17. He currently is 'facebooking' his way through life
  18. Maybe you could give Sooty some lessons in writing Toc, your post encapsulates everything you're both trying to do, without going at it from the 'War and Peace' perspective (length wise) Whilst I'm not as direct as other posters, it can't go unnoticed that most of Sooty's missives include massive swathes of writing about himself and his experiences and this is generally what brings people to believe that he's all about being self serving. I have mentioned it in the past to him, sometimes less is more
  19. Looking at it on my phone Steve, by the time I got to the beginning my phone started to bleep...it's the 'battery critical warning'. Should have taken into account, it's a phone not a kindle :-):-)
  20. I would have thought the title of this might have phased a few in it's time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdTQ3KJ1xxU
  21. No one would be reluctant to accept quality Steve, no one's reluctant now to accept quality either, but if the scenario you're describing were real, then an influx of the likes of Bob Relf, Epitome of Sound, Tomangoes et al, would move the scene into a completely new direction. What would be interesting would be if the likes of Lorraine Silver, Muriel Day, Gary Lewis, Paul Humphrey etc would be equally accepted. I very much doubt the latter
  22. I'm sure there will be Barry, as a one off tune I don't mind it, but would hate to hear it at a venue. What I do find intriguing though, is that somebody somewhere thinks it has potential life. Is it a case of; can't write a tune, northern has too much quality to pass it by, there's a niche in the market for this kind of stuff, or something else? You can go 50/50 or phone a friend if you like :-):-)
  23. Not sure if this has been put up before, just seen it. I actually quite like it, sorry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LieU0sObtRA#t=78 For those who can't be bothered to click the link, it's Adele singing set fire to the rain over the Champion.
  24. So to précis what you've said. You were there 4 hours You talked to a lot of people You danced 3 times And it was a good night
  25. As someone who doesn't buy records, I think this is one of the most interesting topics I've read in years on here. Thanks gents

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