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Winnie :-)

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Everything posted by Winnie :-)

  1. ================ Stop plagarising me Anyway, if we play new sounds, we'll attract new people and they'll be young and etiquette is a just a tradition, not a way of life Think that sums up both sides of the argument Steve? Still interested in how Col answered the questions though........Col? Winnie:-)
  2. ============= Didn't think you was saying 'hooligan hideaway' hope I didn't give that impression. Wanted to clear up the 'wigan locals' thing for my own peace of mind, could possibly have been misinterpreted? Yep tottenham through and through Winnie:-)
  3. ============= Tribalism was far more prevalent on the footie scene, and also included social issues. Earning more money, having more jobs etc, all referred to in football songs. Think we just put it aside at northern venues, and saw each other as equals?
  4. ============ Not claiming nothing ever happened, isolated incedents can always be sited. Had lost touch with the northern scene in the 8Ts so can't comment. One thing I would ask though Steve, are you saying the 'Wigan locals' as in local Wigan soulies, or 'Wigan locals' as in people not necessarily associated with the soul scene but came from Wigan? Winnie:-)
  5. ============= Whilst I agree it's possible to be both a football hooligan and a soulie, I would say they are two separate mentalities governed by whatever environment you happened to find yourself in. Just my opinion mate, but I think we'll have to agree to differ on this one Winnie:-)
  6. ============= Paul, not saying the two elements didn't walk the same path, but at a nighter people adopted a different attitude, how many tear ups did you notice on the nighter scene? Yet put the two crews in a footballing arena.......... Winnie:-)
  7. ============= The giant phallus? Sure it's in my copy, will check when I get it back, could be a while though lent it to someone 3 years ago, don't even think she watched it :-) Bloody devotchkas Winnie:-)
  8. ================= I've read that in a book somewhere, can't remember what it was called though Nope never got 'rolled' for gear and never had problems inside a nighter, which enforces the case that it was outside IMO. Plenty of times at footie got into probs cos of my accent/attitude though Seen more scraps/bother this year than ever before, some on here might think others can't see the wood for the trees, cue the 'stoke massive crew' Winnie:-) PS. Might not always agree with Steve, but always read what he has to say with interest and a certain amount of appreciation.
  9. ================== When the "Many" asked you Col, what did you tell them?? Winnie:-)
  10. ========== Soz, saw the reply was to pikey post, and it looked like you'd linked the two. My apologies Winnie:-)
  11. ============ Never went to the wheel Karen so can't comment, but did do the skinhead/suedehead/smoothie era which for me was between 70 and 75ish and don't remember the two scenes being connected. Maybe because I didn't get into the soul scene properly till around 73 and I was still young(ish) then so maybe missed out on the violence??
  12. ============= Soulies went 'queer bashing'? Sorry only morons did that, and whilst the scene isn't devoid of them it was certainly not over-run IMO. Winnie:-)
  13. ============ Sorry mate, dont think the two scenes did go hand in hand. They were happening simultaneously which is different. Maybe Andy yourself anybody had run ins with punks and skins, but not at nighters, once you got there differences in general were forgotten. Maybe you think I'm looking at things through rose coloured specs, but I never got asked "The time" at a nighter, whilst when I went to footie nobody ever seemed to have a watch Winnie:-)
  14. ============== Wonder if it will open up with... 'put the kettle on Hilda, and chuck us me gear.....'
  15. ========== Bit difficult to do a review on headings and a blurb. Maybe the references to burglary were more from the twisted wheel era? Won't know til the book comes out will we? Drugs and the soul scene are synonomous IMO, so obviously it's going to be included, why sanitise it? If you buy a horror book you expect to find some horror in it, if you buy a book on N/S you'd expect to find some drug references. Looking at the blurb, it also discusses social issues, and the fact that most of us are normal outside of the nighter scene....still looks interesting to me. I'll buy it and you can borrow it when I've read it Winnie:-)
  16. ============= Looks really interesting Winnie:-)
  17. ============= In your first post you distinctly said northern "soul" Bloody soul police, they should spend there time on the real criminals, I've heard the notorious 'e-bay blaggers' are still on the loose Winnie:-)
  18. ============= Has everyone forgotten 'the wounded gnu' in Kent, a little known nighter in the early 7Ts, characterised by the badge with the guy sitting in a tree playing the banjo? Winnie;) Thanks to Neil Marsh ========== My Mum still bought me soap on a rope, f**k knows where she got it from winnie;-)
  19. ============== I've often said this, but maybe it's because today's scene doesn't have the glamour/infamy associated with the 7Ts, and might not make good reading? Winnie:-)
  20. ============= Lateral thinking Joe Winnie:-)
  21. ============= Having read through the thread, the feeling I get is that no established DJ's are going to step aside because the younger ones coming through aren't playing anything different, so it's a stalemate then?? Winnie:-)
  22. Were the 4 vandals really a group? Not trying to start a furore, genuine question! Winnie:-)
  23. ============= You want to see him cry? Ask him what he thinks of R&B Karen
  24. ============ "methinks" you may be right
  25. ============== I love these threads, no one ever gets named as a has-been DJ it's all by inference. We constantly read the "It's who you know" blurb, but again never quite find out who it is you need to know. I understand Mike/all mods want to keep things sane (and probably legal) but doesn't that make these kind of threads pointless? On the age limit for DJ's issue, what difference does it make, is anyone coming through that's playing something completely different, I can think of perhaps one, naming him (and it is only my opinion) would detract from the general lets never name anybody feel of the thread And if you limit the age of the DJ's, don't you then have to limit the age of the punters, or is it just DJ's that are over the hill over the age of 40 Winnie:-)

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