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Winnie :-)

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Everything posted by Winnie :-)

  1. ============ Remember me Touch me in the morning Stay with me baby Broken dream - python Lee Jackson ========= from the more traditional stable Little girl These memories
  2. Duke Browner anne sexton Anne robinson Gladys ..... walk in my shoes Adams apples Tony Galla Little anne, who are you trying to fool Too many to mention really
  3. ============ Saw her in the 8Ts, good but not as good as Gladys IMO. No one there is very nice though Winnie:-)
  4. ============ Yep, there was also a cartoon in Viz a few years ago, showing a modern day club, and somewhere in the pic was a toon of a guy, which had one of those bubbles over it, saying something like, middle aged man who still thinks dancing northern is popular Winnie:-)
  5. ============ Did you go to the rocket Mike? Very little talking, no clapping, and a distinct lack of general hub-bub
  6. Walk in my shoes........breathtaking.
  7. =========== Ok, you've got me on the line, time to reel me in ......... what other reasons? Winnie:-)
  8. ================ What a great post, rare you can actually feel passion through the written word, Mikey you've achieved it mate. Winnie:-)
  9. ============ Totally agree with the above Winnie:-)
  10. ============== Great avatar of the 3 decrees
  11. =========== Don't matter, I want to be marvin
  12. ============ If we're allowed to be singers then I'd be Marvin Gaye, don't look or sound like him, but those make up artists on SITE can do wonders Winnie:-)
  13. Get well soon mate, hopefully see you soon. Win:-)
  14. =========== Sorry mate, but my brain isn't working at the moment, do you mean that as in, who leaked that particular thread to the press?
  15. ============ If we get a huge influx of new soulies due to public recognition of Soul Souce, we'll know who to blame
  16. ============= Had the following said to me by at least four people over the weekend. One of them a reasonably prominent DJ. "A DJ has a responsibility to the floor, too many are more interested in playing their latest purchases, rather than entertaining". Found it quite a refreshing attitude personally Winnie:-)
  17. ============ Lovely record and Fez just cracks me
  18. WELL SAID PAUL A man of my own heart, !!! and the mail you have just posted is one of the best ive ever read never has a truer word ever been written ..Great ! you win the Ian Cunliffe award for Words of Wisdom 2006 ============== Is that a wise wisdom award decision, there's only 3 months of the year gone so far......the sages may not agree with you
  19. ============ Reading Col's initial post though it would seem he was talking specifically about DJs, the topics been widened to include artists. I would like to see artists get more credit, but agree with Shane in general, the DJ's have bought us the sounds or discovered them, and without that input, would we even have heard of the said artists? Also agree a DJ award thing isn't a great idea IMO, could turn into a back slapping contest Winnie:-)
  20. Derek Allens funeral was very emotional, a great man sorely missed Winnie:-)
  21. ============ Remember Mark Bicknell suggesting something similar a while back (can't recall the actual post) The only problem I would see is that certain people would have more chance of achieving said award dependant on the venues they worked. If you worked Kings Hall, and I take it the voting would be done by the N/S populace, then you would probably be more likely to get the award because of the number of punters who frequent the place. If you ran lifeline/soultown for instance you may be actually breaking new records and leading the way forward, but that may not be recognised because less punters attend these events? Do you think it would be a good idea Col? Winnie:-)
  22. ================ Thing is Shane, it looks like it will go in the direction oldies/newies/youngsters etc etc which we're doing to death at the moment. If Col takes the lead and voices his thoughts on the subject perhaps we'll have more to work with? Winnie:-)
  23. ============ Could have been worse, might have said soccer Strange thing though, I did use the word 'footie', and I never do, I put it down to the vodka, which has now worn off Winnie:-)

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