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Winnie :-)

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Everything posted by Winnie :-)

  1. Depends how much I'm dancing, but generally about 4 shirts through the night. Could be more at a nighter. Just don't like that wet feeling Winnie:-)
  2. ============ I agree with that Dave, how many times have you seen the difinitive answer on here. It's all about personal preference and a lot of people fail to recognise that IMO. Liking modern, oldies, R&B doesn't make anyone wrong, it's a diverse scene and thats that really. I would say the way to educate is too say lets accept there are different forms of music on the scene, we don't have to like everything played, but at least acknowledge others do. Winnie:-) PS. Taffy also played a great spot in the modern room, just mentioned that cos I've always liked the stuff he plays
  3. =============== Spent almost the entire weekend in the modern room, generally had no idea what tracks were being played, but know some of them were awesome. Sam, Arthur, Ivor etc loved all their sets. Listened to Marks and it was different in style, (don't know enough to explain how) but still managed to dance to it. Think the main bone of contention amongst the modern fraternity is that it is all too easily dismissed. Personally I think it has far more relevance forward thinking wise than R&B Winnie:-)
  4. ============= I was told your real name at the weekend, and I've bloody forgotten it already
  5. ============= As I said Baz, each to their own, but when you consider some of the things that have been played, Joe 90, Keep on running, Hawaii 5-0, Goodbye nothing to say etc etc etc, I personally think it's difficult to call it pop. As Karen said, its overplayed, but that's all IMO Winnie:-)
  6. ========== Ok real in the cyber sense of the word
  7. ================ Rich, I'm not sure how the comments were self righteous, initially Lucy/Sharon's posts were anonymous, and quite vitriolic, I doubted the validity because it's rare for someone to join and make such a post. It has happened in the past and has usually been proven to be someone with an agenda. Mike said he was annoyed at people coming on SS and making unsubstantiated accusations etc, and since that post people have been putting up suggestions. One that I made was regarding the validity of a person. For instance, if I say something controversial, and you don't like it, and I'm using a pseudonym, you could if you wanted find out if anybody in my area knew me etc (provided I've given you the correct area) That was what I meant by self moderating, most of us know someone via someone, so must of us appear to be real people. Nobody came on and said I know Sharon/Lucy, even though she said she'd been on the scene for 30 years, I found that a little strange when her identity was being questioned. Everything is a level playing field as far as I'm concerned, I comment on who's posts I want to and how I want, to despite who they are, or their standing on the scene. But I maintain if your first post is a rant, then it's probably going to be questioned by someone. Sharon/Lucy not sure which you prefer, I apologise for doubting your authenticity, which was my main bone of contention from within your post. Rich I don't apologise for questioning who she is and if you think that's self righteous then so be it! Winnie:-) ============ But are you the real Dave Rimmer? Dave Rimmer :-)
  8. =========== Each to their own, massive in it's day, massive now and great northern soul IMO. Rarely dance to it cos it's been played to death, and you can never get on the floor when it's on anyway, but still like it
  9. =============== I can just imagine the looks on some peoples faces if 'What' was played. Probably no complaints from the "Dancers" though
  10. Thing is on these forums they're usually pretty self moderating cos most of us are known by someone or other. It's interesting that Soul Searcher called herself Sharon James and then nobody said I know Sharon. She said she'd been a soulie for 30 years was a regular at Alfreton and other Midland events, yet nobody came forward and verified her identity. I'm not saying it isn't someone called Sharon, but if you've been on the scene that long presumably you know a few people. I would guess through the PM system you could normally find out if someone is under an alias, if you were bothered, lots of people on here from Midlands, Mike could, if he wanted, ask one of them? But as said by a few others, happens so rarely, is it just a case of taking the rough with the smooth? Winnie:-)
  11. ================== But isn't that what the forums about Paddy. Someone posting something then it being debated etc. Brings out a lot of interesting points, people get to know each other through the forum, breaks the ice etc etc. Yeah people have digs and sometimes they're not pleasant, but generally people are friendly and polite and that's an indictment of Mike's site. If you and Mark don't post as much because of some of the arguments/debates etc, that's your prerogative, perhaps you're both more sensitive than most? Winnie:-)
  12. ================= That's an interesting point to me. For most people they would be very difficult records to compare (from a supposed quality viewpoint) but to you they stand together. We keep hearing we need to attract a younger element, if yours were a typical view of what they'd want/accept, then it should be listened to. We can't expect younger people to come on this scene without listening and respecting what they've got to say Winnie:-)
  13. =========== Do you actually dislike the record Baz? Or would you not own it cos of it's price?
  14. ============== You say you're Stuart, but your avatar says something completely different. You do know you only had to keep that piccie for a couple of weeks?
  15. ============== Course if we all had membership cards, and followed N/S etiquette................
  16. ============= Agree in general with you Ian, the situation occurs rarely, but when it does I suppose Mike wants to protect the forums reputation and also avoid possible legal problems? Winnie:-) =============== It would still get read, and if the person wanted to keep it prominent, they could just bump it themselves?
  17. ============== Awwww that's mean, 'Ben' is a lovely record When you say 'otherwise' I take it you're referring to anything with a soulful leaning as opposed to say, The Nolans? If you do mean soulful only, most of the instrumentals that have great vocal versions already in existence. Those awful things that Chris King turned up spring to mind. Winnie:-)
  18. =============== When *aliases (*spelling Dan?) are created specifically to have a rant wouldn't you just put any old name in the box. In fact could get really confusing, cos if you're so minded you could really create trouble by putting in the name of an existing member? Winnie:-)
  19. =============== Met Edwin Starr, but was a bit overawed and didn't know what to say apart from you've got a good voice
  20. ============= Personally I prefer to see someones name at the bottom of a post, means you can refer to that individual specifically. It's also much politer. As said in other posts, people with fictitious names don't bother me once they've posted a few times, you tend to realise they're genuine, and on most occasions as Godz said, will give their real names if asked. Also agree with Karen's sentiments, if you're going to post something controversial, you should have the bollox to put your real name up and not hide behind a pseudonym, although this would usually only refer to first time posters. Winnie:-)
  21. =============== Agree pretty much in total with this, it's what makes this forum as good as it is. Sanitise it to much and IMO it will lose some of it's character. Not a techie at all, but would guess there's very little that can be done to stop people joining up just to express a view. Just a suggestion, don't know if it can be done, but how about making every new members first post open to moderation from any existing member, ie: any member can close it down if it looks like it's a sort of hate post or a rant. That way if Shane, Nick, Mike etc are busy one of these dodgy threads can be closed and Mike can investigate it. As said have no idea if it's viable or can be done, and is only a suggestion. Winnie:-)
  22. =========== As said on the other similar thread, very sad indeed
  23. ============ Very very sad
  24. ============ If the weekender was all live bands etc, I could probably go with it, but all the setting up of equipment at a nighter, followed by all the other sort of rigmarole, just slows things down IMO. Normally go into another room when live acts are on

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