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Winnie :-)

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Everything posted by Winnie :-)

  1. =========== My logic said if you're going for the big sounds you'd make more effort to ensure you're not being ripped off. Realise some may still not check, just thought it would be easier to sell a cheaper rip off than a more expensive one.
  2. ============== Would people not check more thoroughly if they're spending thousands? Just a question
  3. ============== when she steers clear of that R&B pants
  4. Any more news Dave A?
  5. ============ Amen to that Thanks for putting it up
  6. Interesting take on how soul music has evolved over the years
  7. ============ Cheers Joe If you saw the way I piss about on a computer, looking for things, you'd know I wasn't being lazy just clueless (insert 'we all knew that' jokes here)
  8. ============== Any chance Derek/anybody can put up the link that goes directly to the interview please. Only just mastering the complexities of this site
  9. ================= Have you got 'run for cover' in your collection
  10. =========== Have PM'd you
  11. =========== Janine and Sam gone to see him today, if I hear anything will put it up on this thread
  12. ================= Shouldn't you have said that in freebasing So if you can't define soul as an absolute, stands to reason that different people are going to find different tracks soulful, whilst others don't. No right and no wrong, just different opinions?
  13. =================== What does it require for something to be soul? Not saying Marty Pellow is soulful, just asking for a few peoples definitions. Doesn't even have to include any examples
  14. Not seen you for a while Martin, but get better soon, thinking of you Win
  15. ============== Agree with the above, good thread, thought provoking and very interesting, which ever side of the fence you come down on. Would have been lost in free basing, and the heading at the top of this category is "All about Soul", not all about rare soul ........ nice one Steve
  16. ============= but apart from the above, what did the Romans ever do for us....................
  17. ============= It'll get talked about, but it will have to take a ticket and wait til its name gets called out. "Number 2,345 your time has arrived" "Second call for 2,345" "Bugger missed it, went out for a coffee, oh well back to the end of the queue......."
  18. ================ Did someone say it was northern then?? I don't think it is, but I do think it's soulful
  19. ============== If you're going to put things in bold, you may as well do them in a bigger font as well, my eyes just aren't what they used to be Loads of northern tracks have short shelf lives as well Baz, particularly if they're reasonably common, world of happiness, never played any more (apart from the alternate takes and Pete G) You're my mellow, a few years ago you couldn't go to a venue without hearing it, never nowadays. Same could be said for jeanette, or voodoo working, rarely played. So shelf life has nothing to do with it, once a record has been played and played, it naturally goes to the back of the box. I'm not saying, nor have ever said that they're the progression the scene was taking, although I do believe they could influence younger people into listening to the music, I said Amy W for instance is a natural progression of soul music, because like it or not, the music is designed to be popular not exclusive. Don't think I took anything out of perspective, can you not see that if you put a record up and someone says it's not soulful, you're going to get the same reaction. Someone earlier in the thread referred to soulful house (Jock) lets have some examples and see how long it is before someone else says it's not soulful. You're tying your own hands, by being so inflexible. Winnie:-)
  20. ============ I'll go with the bar football, but has to be soon, my wrists aren't as supple as they used to be, which is affecting me in other walks of life? As for the records, would have thought lack of promotion the main failing?
  21. ================ Artists who have been putting out music for 20/30 years aren't the natural progression of the music. What's current is the natural progression. If Archie Bell was asked, which would you rather. An album that sells a million copies, or one that is heralded as the way forward by 200 people on SS, how do you think he'd answer? Bet he'd go for the one that gives him financial stability. Think we have to remember they're in the music business for money rather than to make concept albums. Winnie:-)
  22. ============= Ok Baz, scenario for you, lots of records deserve discussing because they're far more soulful. Discuss Oxford Knights and see if Chalks agrees with you. I'm betting he'd be saying, far more soulful records should be discussed before this. It doesn't matter what the record is, someone is always going to say it's not soulful enough, particularly if you open the doors on whats right and wrong. Maybe I'm over simplifying, but I think you'd be opening an even bigger can of worms??
  23. ============== No it didn't particularly surprise me Chalks But you have said in your opinion as opposed to implying you are definitely correct I personally think that to have a forum for this and a forum for that would be a backward step as it would stifle freedom of choice. I accept that you and Sweeney and others don't find the track soulful, but have you never heard a pop record that charted that you'd consider soulful. Four tops, Temps, anyone? If you have what criteria did it meet in your mind, and can't you accept someone else may have a different criteria? Wasn't virtually every release originally recorded so that the artist could make money by the record charting? In which case, as I read somewhere recently, aren't old northern tracks just failed pop records? I know that's generalising but can you see the point I'm making? It really seems to me that some require far too much exclusivity in their soul music, and I'm not sure that that reflects the general opinions held. Not that everyone has to agree with the general opinions, but they should accept that they exist and therefore going on the 'each to their own principle' are also valid. Winnie:-) PS. What did you have for tea
  24. ============== Never really thought it was you Chalks, not really your style. Think you'd respect someone for their knowledge/collection whatever their gender
  25. ==================== No she's not specifically a soul artist, but that doesn't preclude her from making a soul record or does it?? I agree we're here to talk about rare soul, but we're also here to talk about the natural progression of the music, or is the revolution not to be televised?? Don't particularly want to argue with you on list, so maybe better to take it off list, after your next reply if that suits you better? Winnie:-)

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