Loads of points I agree with in the above. Definitely a decline in numbers, and of course where before 2 into 10 went 5 times, now it's more like 2 into 30 so numbers at most places are going to suffer. Travelling is a pain at times, not many DJs these days are worth travelling for (my opinion) and even if you choose one, say Soul Sam, if you follow him for a few weeks even he's going to start playing the same records. Thing is every DJ plays their latest buys, and why wouldn't they, but it can be annoying to read about DJs playing the same old same old, when if you go somewhere where Sam is on he's almost certain to play King Tut (which I like) and yet nothings said. There does seem a fair amount of hypocracy to me, but thankfully most punters can see through it.
The conversations I had over the weekend reflected some of the things Kev mentioned, we've been back 10 years, longer on the scene than the first time around, maybe complacency has set in, I'm not sure, but there was definitely a feeling of boredom amongst us chatting. Mention of the changing face of the scene, the way it's becoming a giant social club, with some using it as an dating agency.
Simple things like clapping, whatever happened to it? Thunderous clap, as one, everybody united, a sense of belonging, just seems to have slipped off the NS tundra. Before when we had central venues, people became aware of when to put in a clap, nowadays, with a million venues to choose from, its going to depreciate. The problem is politics are taking over, promoter vs promoter, how can one promoter slag off another event and pretend he/she hasn't got a vested interest. It's beyond me