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Winnie :-)

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Everything posted by Winnie :-)

  1. =========== You're a bit of a 'wiseman' Rog, and have to agree with you, forums like this provide an ice breaker on so many occasions. Its like when you meet someone you already know them a bit
  2. ============= Yeah, a major positive for me too. Met some great people over the years, been there and supported me through crap times (sure that's the same for most of us) and even when you haven't seen each other for a year, theres no change, you're still friends. Time scales don't matter Bearing in mind it sounds corny, the scene can become like an extended family.
  3. ============ Yep, the music is the glue
  4. ============ That's about 4/5 months away Stu, and he's just going to rise again anyway
  5. Is it really all doom and gloom on the scene? What do you love about it? Hearing new sounds, hearing old soulnds, clapping, dancing, chatting discussing records. What venues do it for you, notice I've not said what venues don't. Danny's got a thread for things that annoy you. Is it the cameraderie, is it the fact that even though we have many cyber arguments, when we're at venues we're basically of one mind and one goal, out to enjoy ourselves. There must be other positives, lets hear them, but please keep the negatives out, Danny's thread can deal with that, and as Simsy says perhaps time for something more upbeat Winnie:-)
  6. =============== Thats an easy one Ian, start a thread what pleases you about the scene and aim it at everyone
  7. ============== What annoys me most? The fact that I fall into the category of being an angry old fart over 45
  8. =============== If you keep creating monsters like this, you'll have the villagers round your house with torches and pitchforks Igor :-)
  9. ========== Remind me again who it was who started SSCDT? Wouldn't mind betting the most views would have Kev Roberts or Ian Levine in the title, or as the subject matter Dayo's thread about a track we all liked had about 400 replies I think, that must be up there as well
  10. Probably songs in the key of life
  11. ============ Yep that might work, and maybe a free snow patrol single
  12. ============= So what should go onto a flyer to attract new blood Shane?
  13. Another name to throw into the ring ........ Spyder Turner
  14. =========== As Mikey said earlier there are a few things guaranteed to get people rushing to their keyboards, Kev Roberts and his exploits is one of them
  15. =========== I'm sure Mr Brookstein will prove a popular choice Really like Maxwell as well
  16. =========== Having gone through the thread now, have to agree with Gladys, Levi and Jackie Wilson. We dont have to love everything they've produced right?
  17. ========== Yep love Marvin, another everybody surely loves is Edwin Starr? Haven't gone through the thread yet, so his name has probably already appeared
  18. ============== You wake up one morning and they're there Then for some reason they keep growing out until they reach the stage where a topiographer would have a field day. At the same time, they seem to get smaller on the horizontal, till if you're not careful, you have little Hitler moustaches over both your eyes........ its very sad honestly
  19. ========== Which smiley did I use? This one I'm led to believe is being mischevious This one apparently means, yeah like you really didn't know Really not sure what you think I was implying, but if you tell me, I'll tell you if I was or not
  20. =========== Mike, You're entitled to your opinions as am I and I've always put them forward in an honest fashion. Whether you like them, agree or disagree with them is outside sphere of influence, but if its open discussion then both sides should be able to put forward their view. You've said I'm assuming a lot, but unless I've been reading another forum, the criticism of this particular promoter is or was very regular. I have no allegiance to him by the way, but I do have an interest in balance. That's a personal thing and something I've stuck by all my life and its something that I'm not going to change. I accept I shouldn't have pre-empted posts, but there has still been no answer forthcoming why prominent supporters of that way forward chose not to post in that thread. Perhaps they didn't see it, I don't know, and of course I accept that they don't have to answer anyway, as is their right. I also accept that the involvement of that particular promoter, may not have been the reason they didn't post, as nothing was said, I guessed. Probably shouldn't have done that, but have seen similar threads before go down the same route, and thats the reason I don't accept it was done out of arrogance. Yes I do read my own words and am aware what I am saying on this occasion as I've already said, I shouldn't have pre-empted the answers. Finally, I have never ever knocked Soul Source, why would I, I've talked about it and openly supported it, and its moderators to detractors. I would ask why you feel it is ok for you to assume you know what I meant by agendas/politics, as it certainly had nothing to do with dodgy/illegal dealings. I've made it clear on numerous occasions that the politics I'm talking about are to do with bigging up venues, and telling people what to like and wear. I certainly don't claim everyone is discouraging open discussion, I answer individual posts and individual people. I don't say we should like this or we should do that, and invariably always say that it's in my opinion so as to make sure people understand I'm not taking the moral highground on behalf of others, the things I write are only personal to me. My opinions the same as anyone elses are open to question, so how am I discouraging open debate, its not done via PMs, I don't try to whip up support, its done in the open? I'm not claiming you or anyone else is doing this, before thats assumed as well, just making the point, what you see with me is what you get. At the end of the day Mike, its your site, your rules, and your decisions. I am happy to accept I shouldn't have pre-empted answers, but will not accept accusations of arrogance because I hold a diffenent view, or accusations of slagging down a site I really love, they were uncalled for IMO. Winnie:-) Winnie:-)
  21. =========== Look through the threads Mike that include these sort of references. You'll generally find I say something after someone has for the millionth time told us that oldies are holding back the scene, or certain items or clothing are making youngsters think twice before trying it out. Nothing is ever said about that for some reason, personally I think its rude to the people who like oldies or want to wear bags etc to hold them up to ridicule because of their personal choice. And yes I does think it sounds like they have a superiority complex and that they think they know best. I think the scene is big enough not to have to alienate an already dwindling population of soulies. Its been said many times on here that the music is what really counts, and I've always held soul source in high regard for that view, now that isn't always the case other agendas have come into play. I'll give you an example, the thread re: the alnighter on against Lowton. There have been a number of prominent posters on SS that have said the way forward is to put nighters on in big clubs, with great sound systems and this will attract youngsters. So a promoter does this, and do any of these prominent posters say, well done......No, and that's purely because of the person doing the promoting. I know the argument will come forward, no we're supporting Lowton, but the event isn't trying to steal their punters, just get loads of new ones in. To me politics and agendas have come to the fore more and more, and at times the soul, seems secondary.
  22. ========== I think in a previous post you mentioned lifeline and the Brit, and said you'd never seen any of these, so I assumed that you were implying that these particular venues don't attract outsiders? It's obviously your prerogative to think the term soulie is crap, I would hazard a guess that most of don't mind, as we realise it's just a handy descriptive word that encompasses what we all are. Nobody as yet has come up with an viable alternative, so I'll continue to use the term myself Winnie:-)
  23. ========== yes it really is Q. Doesn't everybody think the avatar is annoying?
  24. =========== Yes, but two copies should be saved so it reaches 'do i love you' status when you're 40 Baz Q. Shouldn't someone have answered Si Whites question before this thread continued?
  25. Q. Where is Shane when you need him? QoFxx

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