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Winnie :-)

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Everything posted by Winnie :-)

  1. =================== Is that esperanto? Does it really mean something? Sean, agree it's been going on for years, but in an effort to maintain 6Ts bias is on the increase. Win:-)
  2. ============ WTF is WTF.......... you youngsters and your text speak
  3. ============ Modern is clearly the natural progression to the northern scene, as it was to an extent born out of it. At least with modern you can actually get to hear something brand new as opposed to a reactivation. Theoretically there's going to come a time when everything circa 6Ts has been re-spun, well decent stuff anyway, where does the scene go from there? I think we're approaching the time when we give credit to a track purely because it was made in the 6Ts, the fact that its actually inferior in quality to it's predecessors in regards to a ''dance scene'', often being overlooked. Winnie :-)
  4. ============ So instead of the traditional top 500, what's being said is that these DJ's have an alternative equivalent? Billy you could be opening a can of worms mate
  5. ============ Does Billy not mean, even at the forward thinking venues he tends to hear a lot of the same records? Or have I misunderstood?
  6. ============ Hilda O, Ena S, Mrs Slocombe, pye disco demand and a weekly game of crib, tuppence a hole, reality sucks
  7. =============== Really glad you started this thread Mike, it's great to read something without actually thinking, who's going to be slagging off whom or what. These positive threads are so much better than the 'draining' ones. Good one Mike!!! Winnie :-)
  8. ============ Have to say read through the whole thread, and honestly can't see what all the fuss is about, regarding your comments. Didn't seem rude, just to the point. We have this argument on a regular basis, bottom line is that if this music is too survive as a scene then young blood is needed, the alternative is a purely selfish outlook. Personally think Beeks has been hammered, because he put himself out there, dared to put his ''contempary'' views forward and had them disected because they don't fit the template of older folk James you and Beeks have a bit in common, you're both passionate and outspoken, ok he's not a lover of funk, but not everybody is, it's not a big deal, just a fact of life. Was surprised you had a pop, not one of those ''I'm the only gay in this village'' scenarios is it? Winnie :-)
  9. =========== Or even James Herberts 'the fog'?
  10. ============ Plus you've named them time and time again, so most of us know who you mean. Plus you incorporate the same argument in every thread you appear in (apart from Burnley of course) to such an extent that I've read them more times than I've heard out on the floor. Plus you're celebrating the death of a venue you never attended. To be fair to you, you managed to have a snipe at the Brit in another thread, and I haven't seen you do that before, so maybe it's pastures new in your fight to rid the scene of your perceived dross? Have to be honest though I'm put off of any of the venues that you support purely because I'm starting to think that everybody who goes to them is the same mindset as you. Shame cos I would have liked to have tried Burnley for instance, but the way in which you tar promoters supporters (back-slappers is your term of reference) of specific venues with the same brush must be rubbing off Back to the actual subject matter of the thread as opposed to your personal grievances. There are too many venues, but it's not just about wanting to be a DJ, it's more about filling a need and that is people don't want to travel anymore. Everybody is that bit older, most like a beer and the essence of the scene, which to me is dancing, (how else do you celebrate listening to something fantastic) is on the wane. Socialising has become increasingly more important to many, so the purist soul scene that many desire is struggling. Beeker said in the other thread, the scene needs new blood, and he's right, but it's not going to happen, because it would need to be a positive environment for them to want to be part of it. Until the negative element retires to their tea dances they're going to stay away. Winnie :-)
  11. ============ Swoz, You're taking the initial post too personally.
  12. ============ I'm sure he's trying to say via the examples Malcomn X etc is that if they hadn't spoken out then oppression would be even worse now, he's then, as far as I can make out, applying the 'speak out' principle to the northern scene if there has been perceived injustice?? So in effect he's saying we should have the bickering threads, to clear the air, I think. Winnie :-)
  13. =========== Have PM'd you Winnie :-)
  14. Really dislike all this feuding business. Its so easy, if you don't like somewhere don't go there. Why do people get involved in threads for instance when they have no knowledge or interest in the venue. Should imagine it's pretty clear to most people on SS when someone with an agenda is posting within a thread just to cause mischief or to put a spoiler into play. Think it's a shame Mike or the other moderators have to waste their time dealing with the petty squabbles. Winnie :-)
  15. ==================== I'm just wondering if it's Stuart Ives who actually lives in Huntingdon? If you PM Russ Holley he might be able to tell you, can't find Stu's number or I'd ask him myself. Russ's pseudonym on SS is russoul1. Hope this helps Winnie :-)
  16. ===================== Can I get an amen Really wish that all who read those few simple lines Malc, take note. Am reminded of an old saying my Mum used to use though. ''Wish in one hand Win and sh*t in the other and see which gets full first''
  17. =============== Think if you read Mike's post again Terry you'll see he's talking about putting a stop to local feuding, not promoting it.
  18. ============== have PM'd you
  19. ============ I agree with the sentiment a little enhancement is ok/good, not sure I can agree with the medical argument you're putting forward though :-) Gear like anything else is ok when used in moderation, it's when people go over the top problems start. Addictive personalities don't help either, nor does thinking it's 'in the rules' to do gear if you're into northern
  20. ============ Something we totally agree on at last
  21. ================ Would be pretty accurate to say the dancefloor is nearly always fueled by something, whether it be beer or summat else. Personally not a drinker at either soul nights or nighters, so wouldn't worry me if it disappeared, think it would have a detremental effect on the courage (for want of a better word) to dance. Winnie :-)
  22. A piece of Major Lance's shirt that he threw into the crowd at the Calais
  23. ============== I don't think I'm trying to re-write history Steve, all I said was I enjoyed it in there? Yes the dancefloor was poor, but the atmosphere was better than upstairs IMO. Realise you may have not liked the playlists, but suspect your knowledge far exceeds my own, was only just starting to like modern, so was quite fresh to me
  24. =============== I used to spend a lot of time downstairs in the modern room, the atmosphere was better and the egos didn't seem as prevalent. I do remember the antagonism at the time and it did put a downer on the night. It was a shame for the punters that some sort of truce couldn't have been called, but in truth that was never really going to happen, given the strong personalities involved I thought initially it was advertised as basically an oldies venue, maybe not advertised, more promoted as one, which in general it did stick to. Perhaps with hindsight, a monthly night in a venue of that size was hoping/asking for too much even with NS being more in vogue. Winnie :-)
  25. =============== Ian, I was there on the first night as well and only missed one of the subsequent ones. Great venue but musically was left wanting. The first night was very successful, liquid news were there as I recall, but masses of free tickets had been given out, which I'm sure you are aware of. It never reached the heights again, attendance wise. Sure the subject has been covered many times, but the last one I attended there were around 200 and they didn't all stay all night. And what was the idea with the VIP area on the stage, talk about putting oneself on a pedestal Winnie :-)

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