I read your first two 'major' threads Ian, sometimes they were interesting, sometimes tedious, but both were reasonably entertaining. From the way you've introduced this one, it seems doubtful that it'll be able to match up. If you're going 'to control', what you answer to, as in difficult questions regarding previous/new recordings for instance, then the thread will end up as a 'Levine tribute', which will invite the snide comments you want to avoid. I don't think you're in a position to judge whether someones perceived critisism is biased and unfair as opinions are diverse on everything, and are never difinitive. I am in no doubt that you enjoy the limelight Ian, and from what you've achieved on the northern scene, I think, to a degree, you probably deserve it, but if you try and set the rules of debate within this thread to suit yourself, you'll be doing yourself and soul source a dis-service.
Just to make things clear, I am in no way saying you should answer, for instance, comments on your sexuality, personally I think they're irrelevant and uncalled for.
Good luck with the thread
Winnie :-)